Day in the Life

Jul 25, 1897

Journal Entry

July 25, 1897 ~ Sunday

Sunday July 25th I spent a good night. slept nearly all the time, feel better
for my sleep. took a drive this afternoon. M. Mountford called this evening for a
short time.


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Letter from Albert Samuel Newman, 25 July 1897
Prospect President Wilford Woodruff, Dear, Brother: In answer to your letter, I will state: that if there is nothing to hinder me any more than I know of now, I will except the call you have made of me; and I will ready to start at the date you have set for me to start. (Nov. 11, 1897) Your Brother in the Gospel, Albert Newman. John S. Howard Bp
Letter from Thomas B. Lee, 25 July 1897
Iona Ida, 1897 July 25. President Wilfrord Woodruff, Dear Brother I am very sorry I forgot to get the Bishops signature to to my other communication and hope it has not put you out any. I will say again I would like my time extended if convienent ^to nov^ but I throw my self entirely on your wishes, and hope to be favored with or reply soon I remain Your Humble Servant Thomas B. Lee. Bishop A. J. Stanger (over)


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Jul 25, 1897