Day in the Life

Jul 26, 1897

Journal Entry

July 26, 1897 ~ Monday

Monday July 26th Had a fairly good night. sat up most of the day some of the
time out on the porch & rested. drove out in the evening. Bro Nuttall came
this evening & sat up with me tonight.


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Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905

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Letter from Robert Cromwell Harris, 26 July 1897

Portage, To The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, Dear Brethren: Yours of the 17th inst. was received which indeed was a wonderful suprise to me. In answer to your request, I will say, I am on hand to go at the call but would like about five or six weeks to prepare, ^and arrange^ for the same. Your Bro. in the cause of Truth Robert C. Harris. [sideways text] Notify E. S. 18 Sept [end of sideways text]

Letter from John Alma Hess, 26 July 1897

Georgetown Ida. First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Salt Lake City Dear Bro: Yours of 28th Ult. recd. and long since considered, but please pardon the delay. I expected to visit the office during the time of the "Jubilee" but neglected to do so. I think, beyond a doubt, I shall be able to leave by the middle of next June 1898, but not before as it would have my financial circumsta- nces it in too disordered a condition. By that time I shall, I think, be prepared to go to any part of the world that you may desire. I speak no language other than the English, but I may possibly attend school

Letter from Franklin Whitehouse Sr., 26 July 1897

First Presidency of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Dear Brethren: Your letter of the 20th inst at hand, and in reply will say, that if I can be of any use as a missionary, I am only too willing to go, and will try and be ready about October conference. I cannot speak any language but English If it is convenient and

Letter from Joseph Peterson, 26 July 1897

Lehi, President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Dear Brother; Have received and noted the contents of your letter of the 20th inst, calling me to take a mission to the Southern States. I accept the call and will be ready to start at the date you named, September 1898, should nothing unforeseen interfere. Your Brother in the Gospel, Joseph Peterson. I fully endorse Thomas R. Cutler Bishop

Letter from Orson Luke Caldwell, 26 July 1897

St Johns President Wilford Wowruff Dear Bro. The call to Indian territory is agreeable with my feelings and if I have my health I will be on ^hand at^ the appointed time Your bro. in the Gospel, Orson Caldwell, D H Caldwell Bp St John Ward Tooele Stake

Letter from William Oliver Halford, 26 July 1897

Salt Lake City Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother, Your letter receved, and in Reply will say, I, will be Ready to start on the date, mentioned in your letter, Sept. 16, 1897. Your Brother in the gGosple William O. Halford Bp Enoch Harris

Letter from Joseph Walters, 26 July 1897

Morriston Miss., Pres't Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother: Looking upon you as our great prophet and leader in these days, I write you for a little advise as follows. I joined the church about six years ago. I am very desireous of gathering to some place where there is a colony of the Saints. I have been thinking some of going to either Old Mexico or Idaho (Bingham County). But before making any move, I wish to get your advise on the matter. Will you please informe me of the differant places now being setteled by our people, and the Stake presidency ^and address,^ of the same, so that I can write them for all necessary

Letter from Ada R. Leslie, 26 July 1897

Mr. Wilford Woodruff, Pres. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Sir: I was very much interested in reading the account of your Jubillee as had relatives in the first party that crossed the plains from Ills. They were living in the Temple at Nauvoo at one time I remember my Mother telling me about them when a child & later their history has been full of interest to me. Since my Mothers death have wanted so much to hear again from them Will you please give me what information you can concerning the families of White Lasley & Lanes the latter I believe were in Ogden when last heard from by us. Perhaps at your advanced age it is asking too great a favor but thinking per haps some of your family could write me you could give the earlier history I should be very grateful A. R. L.


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Jul 26, 1897