Day in the Life

Jul 27, 1897

Journal Entry

July 27, 1897 ~ Tuesday

July 267th I was somewhat restless the fore part of last night but slept soundly
from 130 am to 7 a.m and felt better for it. I do not eat enough food to keep up my
strength. Prest Geo. Q. Cannon called for a short time this morning.
Pres. Lorenzo Snow called this afternoon & staid nearly an hour in conver-
sation. Bro Nuttall also called for an hour, I feeling quite cheerful.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2273 mentions
Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905
Snow, Lorenzo
3 Apr 1814 - 10 Oct 1901
703 mentions
Apostle, Family

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Letter from Franklin Benjamin Platt, 27 July 1897

Salt Lake City Pres Willford Woodruff Dear Bro. I Cheerfully respond to a call to go on a Mission to California on the 23rd of September 1897. I apreciate the honor & will be ready at the appointed time. Your Bro in the Gospel Franklin B Platt Pres Woodruff & Council Dear Breathern, I am pleased to say Bro F. B. Platt is fulley qualified and will make a first class missionary as he has always been on hand to work in the interest of the 13th ward with his Bishop & Council Respectifully Yours N A Empey Bishop 13th Ward

Letter from Willard White Pitkin, 27 July 1897

Millville. Pres. Woodruff Dear Brother I have received a notice for a mission to the Southern States on July 23 to start October 20. I will be their. with kinds regords I remain your Bro. Willard W. Pitkin John E. Roueche Bp.

Letter from Jeddie Grant Muir, 27 July 1897

Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received your letter asking me if it was acceptable to me to start on a mission December 4, 1897 I will answer you by saying yes. Your Brother Jeddie G Muir. Archd McKinnon Bp Randolph Ward

Letter from Leander Levi Clifford, 27 July 1897

President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother yours of 20th at Hand will say That I am willing to go on a Mission to Indian Teritory as per call and Believe the way will Bee opned up so That I can Bee on Hand at The apointed Time your Brother in the gospel Leander L. Clifford W. F. Walker, Bp.

Letter from Peter Hansen, 27 July 1897

Smithfield President Woodruff Dear brother I received your letter dated the 22 and I am willing to except the call and am willing to go as you wished if I can get redy, but i dont know if i can, for i must have my Crop gathered in, So i can dispose of som of it to get means to help me go. but i will do my very best and if i cant get ready by that time, if you could grant me A nother month by the help of the lord i will be ready and wiling to go by that time. I remane your brother in the gospil Peter Hansen

Letter from Joseph Hebden, 27 July 1897

George Town President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Bro The letter sent to me from it you found me at George Town Bear Lake Co Idaho, I wrote an answer and took it to Bishop Lewis for his Endorsement. he felt as though I should have my reccommend from Glendale before he could endorse it. I have finally got my reccommend from Glendale, as regards my feelings as you ask for I have a a desire to fill the mission I am called to but I am about two hundred and fifty dollars

Letter from Francis Asbury Hammond, 27 July 1897

Salt Lake City, Utah, . To The First Presidency and Apostles in Council. Dear Brethren:— Please pardon me for suggesting two or three points in addition to those presented on Monday at the meeting in the President's office. The brethren who are dissatisfied with Bluff as a place to build permanent homes do not intend leaving San Juan County. They are sheep and cattle men, and will remain in San Juan Stake if they are permitted to remove from Bluff. Joseph Barton, James B. Decker, Hyrum Perkins, and others, are now opening farms at Blue Mountains. Bishop Nielsen's sons have 600 acres under fence there. L. H. Redd, Jun. and Hanson Bayles have crops in there this season, and intend to open farms at that place. Negotiations are pending for the purchase of the noted Carlisle Ranch, which is considered by many experienced persons to be the key to the situation in San Juan County. Counsel has been given by the Presidency to purchase that ranch. Timber, coal, wood for fuel and building material are found there in abundance. The same range is occupied by our sheep and cattle whether their homes be at Monticello or Bluff. Monticello Ward is greatly


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Jul 27, 1897