Day in the Life

Dec 18, 1897

Journal Entry

December 18, 1897 ~ Saturday

Sat Dec 18th At home all day.

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Letter from Alma Oscar Larson, 18 December 1897

Millville ^Pres. Wilford Woodruff.^ Dear Brother, As my mame [name] has been accepted as a missionary to Scandinavia and to start from the City the 5th of February and What my feelings are in regard to the call I can say that i feel Well in regard to the call, and Will present myself at the Historians Office the date set if nothing else should take place Your Brother Alma Larson Millville Cache Co John E. Roueche Bp.

Letter from William Henry Seegmiller, 18 December 1897

Richfield, Utah, Presdt W Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother: Enclosed find names of 12 of the missionaries selected with such information concerning them, as we could obtain. We would suggest the propriety of notifying them at an early date (should they be satisfactory) so they could make necessary arrangements to leave home. Within a short time we will forward the names of 8 more Brethern, Richfield Glenwood Burrville Koosharem, Annabella and Marysvale will furnish them. Very Respectfully Your Brother in the Gospel William H Seegmiller

Letter from Walter George Paul, 18 December 1897

[end of sideways text] [sideways text] Notify Montana [end of sideways text] Rexburg, Idaho, Dec. 18th 1897 First Presidency of the church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. Dear Bretheren. Yours of 14th inst. before me and in regard the inquiry. As to my feelings & circumst- ances, as per a Mission to Montana for a few months. Will say that my feelings are all right. But my circum stances, financially, and otherwise are not very flattering. Apparently, missfortune has been hard after me during the year [18]97. Three months of my sumer wages are at present tied up in Anaconda, pending a lawsuit or the decision of the Court either for or against us, some time during Jan. 1898 My Wife is and been Ill able to performe her duties about the home for some time. But She is a noble companion, & would not de- prive me from, performing my duty, either home

Letter to William Wallace Cluff, 18 December 1897

P.O. Box B. Salt Lake City, Utah, . Prest. W. W. Cluff, Summit Stake of Zion. Dear Brother: We shall be pleased to receive from you at an early date the names of 12 brethren whom you and their respective bishops can recommend for missions to preach the Gospel. Enclosed you will find blank forms on which to insert their names, with as many of the partic- ulars therein requested as, from your personal knowledge and through enquiry, you are able to give. Do not wait wait to obtain all the names before making your report, but send in a few at a time as quickly as you receive them. Brethren who can speak German, Swedish, Dutch, Hawaiian or Maori are particularly desired at the present time. Trusting this important matter will receive your prompt and careful consideration, We remain, Your Brethren, Wilford Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon Jos. F. Smith

Letter from Charles David Goaslind, 18 December 1897

President Wilford Woodruff. Box "B" Salt Lake City, Utah My Dear President:— I am directed by President Parkinson to submit the following question for your advice on the matter. The question is submited from the edlders in the Oregon Conference, "Northwestern States Mission" Qu—A man who is 1/4 nNegro blood is investigating the gospel, is well respected in the community, has several nice children no^ne^ of which are dark. Can he or his children hold any portion of the Priesthood? Can a man with any nNegro blood in him, whatever, hold the priesthood. I am also directed f to ask for the permission to use what little tithing that is paid in the Oregon Mission, toin that mission, for stationary blanks &c. I am your Brother C D Goaslind Sec

Dec 18, 1897