Day in the Life

Dec 20, 1897

Journal Entry

December 20, 1897 ~ Monday

Monday Dec 20th Drove to the office, I am feeling well. Received
some papers of genealogy from the East for which I am much pleased,
as the names fill up some gaps in my record. Went home at 4 pm.


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Letter from C. W. Dunn, 20 December 1897
Mr. Woodruff, Pres. Mormon Church, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Sir, As I am about to place in the hands of the publishers some manuscript for a book relating to my travels during the past eight years in the west, while acting as a United States Detective; and as I spent one year in your city, I intend to devote one chapter to a descrip- tion of the place and its many attractions. The book will be illustra- ted, and will contain cuts of the Tabernacle, Temple, and other notable buildings. The object of this letter is to obtaijn your permission to in- sert af cut of yourself in the book. As President of your people, it wil be quite important to have this appear. I have a photograpjh of your- self, and will appreciate the favor if you will consent to its use in the manner suggested. I found your peolple to be quiet, kind-hearted and sincere, and I have only words of praise for them. Awaiting your early and favorable repky, I am, Very truly yours, C. W. Dunn, Detective.
Letter from Andrew Smith Jr., 20 December 1897
President Wilford Woodruff, P. O. Box B. S. L. City, Utah, Beloved and honored brother, As I have been called through your instruct- ions to take the lead, and preside in the what is now known as the Australalion Mission, I take the liberty to write you a few lines, among those things necessary, are as follows I would ^be pleased^ to receive £100 One hundred pounds, to release Elders who have fil[l]ed long missions. on the return of the receipt of this letter, if you find it convenient to do so. I would also be pleased to have six Elders sent to take the places which are and will be vacated by the releases of four soon. I will not say anything to them regarding the arrangments before I get word from you. There is much that could be done here in Australia if Elders were here to the amount necessary. It seems a few do not cause enough stir in getting the people to take the interest I would like to see. There are many, from the work the Elders are doing, believe what we teach to be the truth and do not join because of the great prejudice and the slowness ^of the work^ and many dwindle away from that which we have been able to instil into their minds by there not being enough encouragmint; from our labors. [upside-down text] Scott W Anderson arrived safe at Sydney after a pleasant voyage A. S. Jr. [end upside-down text]
Letter from John Wallace, 20 December 1897
My Dear Mr Woodruff— I, this morning received a letter from Mr J. S. Turnbull of Harrison, Idaho, in which he mentioned your name to Lady Cook, and asking her Lady ship to send you one of her Books which I have great pleasure in forwarding by this Mail. The Article on Polyamy may interest you, and her Lady ship would

Dec 20, 1897