Day in the Life

Jan 5, 1898

Journal Entry

January 05, 1898 ~ Wednesday

Wed. Jan 5th My cold still holds to me, I am not feeling very well. Went to the
office, attended a meeting of the Directors of Z S B & T Co. at 1 p.m. and went home
at 4 pm.


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Letter from Thomas Bassett, 5 January 1898
Pres Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Brother: Elder James M Cook who has recently returned from a mission to England states that on the 5th of June last he paid sixty four and 90/100 ($ 6499) Dollars to Pres R. S. Wells at Liverpool with instructions to make same payable to you at Salt L City for credit of Brother Cook on his tithing account in the Rexburg second Ward. It appears that Brother Cook sent the draft for same to his folks here and they claim it was forwarded to you from here almost as soon as received by them. Since then they have not heard anything further from it. Would you kindly let us know if ^it^ has ever been received by you at your convenience as he is ready to settle his tithing for 1897 With kindest regards I remain Your Bro etc. Thomas E Bassett, Clerk.
Letter from John Simpson Turnbull, 5 January 1898
Harrison, Idaho. . President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother: A short time ago I took the liberty of advising Lady cCook to submit her workes to you for inspection. I understand from her secratry that she has done so, therefore I beg as a favor that you will, at your leisure kindly look them over and if they meet with your approvil, ^that^ you will indorse them as books intrest and guides guards against the immorilaty that is daily incressing in the world. My name may be unknown to you but Bro Even Stephens, knows me well as I am a member of The Tabernacle Choire of eleven years standing but at the present time I am many miles away from home and, I am sorry to say in a town where there is no other saints but myself. Yet that does not affect my testimony in the least nor weaken my faith. I am aditing a patper here and if and any time you have publication to make to the world send a copy and I will gladly do my part toward that end by giving it space in my paper. Hoping the Lord will continue to bless you in your old age, and reveile his mind and will to you in the future as in that past that we as saints me [may] continue to be blest under councle in the prayers of your broth[er] in the Ghosple J. S. Turnbull.

Jan 5, 1898