Day in the Life

Jan 9, 1898

Journal Entry

January 09, 1898 ~ Sunday

Sunday Jan 9th At home this morning. I went to the Tabernacle this after-
noon and listened to the address of Madam Mountford for 55 mints on the
parables of the Ten Talents & the Thief on the Cross, which was very
interesting. We met her for a short time afterwards, and returned home.


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Letter from Albert Lochner, 9 January 1898
Midway Prs. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, Your comunication of Jan. the 6th asking me to perform a Mission to Germany came to hand. In answere to the same i will say, if nothing Sieries crosses my way to hinder me from meeting your requirement i will try to be on hand at your sugested time, to leave Salt lake on the 2nd of Apriel next, and apear at the Historien Office the 1st of Apriel. with kind regards from your brother in the Gospel Albert Lockner John Watkins Bishop
Letter from Edward Griffith, 9 January 1898
Fairbank St Dartmouth N. S Canada To the Patriarch. The Mormon Church. Salt Lake City, Utah, U. S. Dear Sir! I enclose a certificate which explains how that The LORD thy GOD, manifested Himself to me, in January 1896. The principle understanding was certain verification of the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. After propogating the ideas in England until the early part of this year I came on to Canada, but I find [t]he apathy and indifference prevalent here

Jan 9, 1898