Day in the Life

Jan 8, 1898

Journal Entry

January 08, 1898 ~ Saturday

Sat Jan 78th I called at the Knutsford Hotel on my way to the office for a short
time. Met with President Cannon & Smith, and in the afternoon Mr Don C
, Mr. Lomax & other influential Railway men called on us and
we talked over our Annual pass matters which was quite satisfactory.
I went home at 3 pm. and went to the Theatre this evening.


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Letter from Ezra F. Woolley, 8 January 1898

Preston,. Prest. Wilford Woodruff, S. L. City, Utah. Dear Brother, I have reported myself, to Prest. Geo. C. Parkinson, as being on hand at any date he desired to set. Respect., Ezra F. Woolley. I cheerfully indorse the call of Elder Wooley & beleive he will be a good efficient Missionary W. C. Parkinson Bp.

Letter from Hirini Te Rito Whaanga, 8 January 1898

President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother, I have great pleasure in responding to the call received from you to go toon a Mission to New Zealand. The letter of Jan 5th was translated to one this evening and I shall make all necessary preparation to accompany Elder Ezra Stevenson and will endeavor to magnify my calling as an Elder in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints. Your brother in the Gospel Hirini Whaanga over

Letter from Peter Christian Hansen, 8 January 1898

Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah, Dear Brother: Your favor of the 6th, inst. received last evening, calling me on mission to Scandinavia, Ito start from Salt Lake city on April 16th. In reply to same will beg to say that by the help of the Lord I will be on hand at the appointed time, prepared to start on the mission. Praying the Lord to Bless you, I remain, your Brother in the Gospel, Peter Hansen Robert S. Duke Bp of ward

Letter from Sven August Peterson, 8 January 1898

Heber, Utah, President Woodruff Salt Lake City In answer to call made for me to take a mission to Scandinavion Mission and leave Salt Lake City April 16th 18978. I feel willing and desirous to do what I can to forward the work of gGod on earth. I am troubled at times with rheumatism and could not do much walking. My physical condiditon is not what it should be to make a good soldier. If I can be used with theese disabilities I am willing to go and do my best. Your brother in the Gospel, Sven August Peterson R. S. Duke Bp of ward This Bro. was sug. by his Bp and Prest of Stake over

Letter from James Crawford Murdock, 8 January 1898

Heber, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: I rec. your letter of Jan. the 7th 1898 and feel to thank my Hevenly Father that I am worthy to be asked to go on a mission, and will be ready to report at the appointed time, February 16th 1898. Your Brother J. C. Murdock Thomas Hicken Jr Bishop

Jan 8, 1898