Day in the Life

Jan 12, 1898

Journal Entry

January 12, 1898 ~ Wednesday

Wed Jan 112th I was in the office from 930 to 330 attended to the usual
business & went home.


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Letter from Daniel Weeks, 12 January 1898

Smithfield Wilfory Woodruf Dear Brother I received your notifiction Jan 10 and was glad to think that I am worthey of a mission and will try and be ready at the time appointed. I reanin your Brother in the gospel Daniel Weekes Prest W. Woodruff Dear Brother: Bro Wieekes is a good Young Man & will make a good Missionary Your Brother Geo L. Farrell Bishop

Letter from Spencer C. Moffitt, 12 January 1898

Manti Prest. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Bro. Your letter of the 10 inst recd. calling me to take a mission to the Indian Territory; And will say in reply that if nothing enforeseen occurs, I will be on hand as per date of your request for departure March 3 [18]98 Yours Very Respy. Spencer Moffitt. I endorse the above William T Reid Bishop Manti North Ward

Letter from John Lloyd Parry, 12 January 1898

Manti President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother I accept the call as a missionary to the Indian Territory and will be in Salt Lake City at the appointed time. Your Brother in the Gospel John L Parry. I endorse the above William T. Reid Bishop Manti North Ward

Letter from Daniel Hansen, 12 January 1898

Elsinore, Utah, Wilford Woodrufff, P.O. Box B. Salt Lake City, Utah, Dear Brother: In reply to yours of Dec. 20th [18]97. regarding my mission- ary call to the Sandwich Isles, will say that am unable to state the exact date of my departure. My release in busi- ness matters, here, is dependent upon the acceptance of same by Bro. John Johnson of the Sanpete Stake Academy. It is quite probable that it will be about Sept 15th or Oct 1st 1898 before business matters can be adjusted so as to allow my absence. Besides, family obligations during the month of July aught to have my attention at home. In order that ^you^ may hear from me without

Letter from Ezra Foss Richards, 12 January 1898

Prest. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: Enclosed please find official quo- tations on fares over the Canadian, Austrailian S.S. line, now in effect. On waiting upon the Comp- any's agent personally, I am informed that the Second Saloon quotations (£20 and £25) are subject to the usual discount, our favor, but that no concessions are in force upon the Steerage quotations (£16) which I understand to mean, in the future, for our Elders £17.10.0 Steerage to Portland, and £20.0.0 Second Saloon, less a dis- count of 15%, making £17.00 net, in place of £11.10.0 Steerage, and £13.12.0 Second Saloon, as has been in the past, an advance in price of £6.0.0 Steerage and £3.8.0 Second Saloon. I thought it proper to advise you of this advance in fares, that in case you had not already learned of it you should perchance deem it wise to invest- igate the matter, the arrangements for our traffic over the Canadian line having been made at that end. We would like to release two or three Elders

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Thomas A Leishman & Hannah O Leishman Paid for Bill of Divorse 10 Peter E Londgreen & & Emma F S Londgreen Paid for Bill of Divorse $10 10

Jan 12, 1898