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Day in the Life

Jan 26, 1898

Journal Entry

January 26, 1898 ~ Wednesday

Wed Jan 26th Was at the office all day felt well, re[ceive]d telegram from M.
left for N. Y. Some arrangements were made for the Utah Loan & Trust
co. & Elder Nuttall will go to Ogden tomorrow to see about it.


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Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905
397 mentions


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Letter from Lewis S. Farrell, 26 January 1898
Smithfield . Prest Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother. Yours of 25th to hand and in answer will say, I am thankful that I am thought worthy to take a Mission to the Netherlands, I will be ready to start on April 15th all being well. Your Brother Lewis. S. Farrell. Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: Lewis S. Farrell is a good boy and I believe will make a good faithful Missionary. Your Bro in the Gospel Geo L. Farrell Bishop
Letter from Andrew Smith Jr., 26 January 1898
Wilford Woodruff And Councillors. My Beloved Brethren: Several months ago, President E. F. Richards, in order that he could learn from the Missionary elders to a certain extent the labors performed by them, formed a report which he desired each elder to fill out immediately after the end of each month, there being some time during the 24 hours of each day that I have not been given account of and which I thout essential I have added more for the elders in my part to fill out. There are some elders who put in very little time and having something of the nature diagramed for the elders to report upon. The president is able to suggest where he would otherwise be at a loss, at times, to offer suggestions or give advise to the elders, and they having a form to work to can understand to a certain extent the labor required of them. Some will average 2 & 3 hours per day. while others, laboring under the same circumstan- ces average 6 & 8 hours and if we had no report given

Jan 26, 1898