Day in the Life

Mar 9, 1898

Journal Entry

March 09, 1898 ~ Wednesday

Wednesday Mar 9. I did not sleep very well last night. drove to the office
I signed a number of Liverpool office drafts for the office and other-
wise busy. Went home at 4 pm.


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Letter from Rodney Jerome Merrell, 9 March 1898

Brother Wilford Woodruff President of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter day Saints having recived notice frome you of my name being excepted as a Missionarie to Montana I feel it my deuty & all so a grait privlige to respound to the call all though my circumstances is in such a shape as to render it difacult to be ther as soon as required if you could extend the time untill May 1th 1898 it would give me suficent time to arange my a fares so I will not halfto obligate my self so much & I all so relise too year to be gone frome my famley on so ^s^hort a

Letter from Ralph C. Jacobs, 9 March 1898

President Wilford Woodruff Dear brother: Your letter of inquiry and appointment is received; in reply will say with the Lord's help I will go. I have been laboring on a three month's mission this winter in the interest of the Y.M.M.I.A. In fact have not completed it yet, but my time and all I have is the Lords and what I can do I esteem as very little and insig nificant in comparison to what he has done for me. Therefore I say I will go. I will be in Salt Lake for April conference. I am very truly your brother in the Gospel Ralph C Jacob I Cheerffy Recomend Bro Jacob as being a worthy young man Sterling D. Colton Bishop of mill ward

Letter from William H. Wilkison, 9 March 1898

Manti March 9, 1898. Honorable President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: I suppose you received the last letter I wrote you and was no doubt supprised, but I have come to the conclusion that I was doing rong and that it was not the cource in life for me to take. I quit working in DeLamar shortly after I wrote you and have been preparing to fulfill my mission.

Letter from Elias Stillwell Winn, 9 March 1898

Vernal Utah President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Your call of March 3rd duley recived theereto will say if Sickness or death does not hender I will be redey to start at the apointed time. Your Brother in the Gosple Elias S. Winn Geo Freestone Bp


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Mar 9, 1898