Day in the Life

Mar 14, 1898

Journal Entry

March 14, 1898 ~ Monday

Mon Mar 14th Drove to the office, am feeling fairly well. quite busy
until 4 pm & went home. Bishop Elias Morris after attending a meeting
Tues Mar 15th of the Cambrian Co at the Coop Furniture Co. office this
evening at 10.30 oclock, fell down the elevator shaft, on his head. he is
very much injured.


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Letter from John Andreas Widtsoe, 14 March 1898

President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear brother Woodruff: I have been engaged for some time in the preparation of a subject index and con- cordance to the standard church works. About a month ago I finished the part belonging to the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, and have had a corrected copy made of it. In the hope that it may be of use

Letter from Henry John, 14 March 1898

West Portage . President Willford Woodruff, Dear Brother, I take pleasure in re- porting myself to you on this occasion I desire to say that a few years ago I was asked to take a foreign mission, but on account of my financial condition I did not go. I am now ready and at your command. In connection with the above I desire to say that I have given my name to the Authorities of my ward to present to you for consideration. Respectfully your brother in the Gospel, Henry John, West Portage, Utah.

Letter from John Warner Mattice, 14 March 1898

Bryce Presedent Woodruff Dear Brother, halve Receaved my call to Labor as a missionary to Indian Territory I feel that I halve Receaved the spirit of my calling. I will be their on the day appointed and do Earnestly ask an Interest in your faith and Prayers, that I might become an active Laborer in dsscharge of my duties. I Remain as ever your Brother in the Gospel John W Mattice Alma N Bryce Bishop

Letter from Joseph Henry Ellet, 14 March 1898

March 14, [18]98. Fremont, Wayne, Co. Utah. President Woodruff. Dear Father, I received your welcome leter Afew days ago and will say in regard to the call that I am ready to respond to the call and do the best I can. I am inexpierenced & in poor circumstances but with the help of the Lord I will be there ready to start the 5th of May. I feel that it is a greeat Blessing bestowed upon me through our Heavelnly Father. If I can do eny good in carrying the Gosple to the Nations of the Earth I am ready and willing to do so. Your Brother in the Gosple, Joseph H. Ellett. 2nd Counciler Wm A Taylor

Letter from Loren Independence Taylor, 14 March 1898

Loa Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro In reply to Yours of Mch 9th, I will say that if I am well, I will be on hand to start from Salt L. City to Montana on my mission as assigned may 5th 1898. thanking you for the call I remain yours brother in the gospel of Christ Loren I Taylor Thomas Blackburn Bp Loa Ward

Letter from Thomas Sylvester Karren, 14 March 1898

Lewiston Bro. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In answer to your letter that I received Informing me to go upon a mishion I will be ready at the time you mention on 31st March Your Brother Thos. S. Karren W. H. Lewis, Bp.

Letter from William Thomas Jack, 14 March 1898

St. John, Kansas. President Wilford Woodruff and Counselors, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren! Refering to the sickness of Elder John J. Gallicher, who has been laboring in Texas, we beg to say, that upon receipt of your favor of March 1st, arrangements were made for him to come to this place, where he arrived on the 12th. upon investigation we find that there is no cause for serious alarm, we are of opinion that the supposed heart trouble is due to dyspeptic influences, and will soon be remedied; But as our brother thinks it is heart-disease, we are convinced that it is better to release and let him return home,; which we have done today. Your Brother. Wm. T. Jack

Letter from George Moroni Fryer, 14 March 1898

Mesa City President, Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother Your Appointment asofo me as a Missionary to the Southern States is at hand, and will say that I except the calling with pleasure, and will be in Salt Lake on the day mentioned in my appointment the 16th of June. hoping this will meet with your apprval. I remani Your Brother in the Gospel. Geo. M. Fryer James M. Horne B.P.

Letter from George Essex Smith, 14 March 1898

Manassa Colo Pres Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro Your letter stating that my name had been suggested and accepted as a Missionary to Indian territory mission came duely to hand I can only say that I accept the call and hope to be able to respond in October next (the time mentioned in your letter) the outlook at present for means to outfit is not good but I trust the way will open up brighter by the time stated with Respect Your bro George E. Smith I indorse the above Samuel Jackson Bishop


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Mar 14, 1898