Day in the Life

Mar 30, 1898

Journal Entry

March 30, 1898 ~ Wednesday

Wed, Mar 30th I went to the office, had a bad time with my throat last night, could
scarcly breath until I applied some fat bacon to my throat when I got relief & went to
sleep. I am better this morning. Have been very busy, went home at 4 pm.


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Letter from Hyrum O. Gardner, 30 March 1898

Pine Valley Prest Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother yours of 25th came duly to hand and I will say in reply that I will except the call made of me as a missionary to the Southern States to labor to the best of my ability and will be in Salt Lake City on the 18th of May to be set apart if all is well your Brother in the Gospel Hyrum O. Gardner Jeter Snow Bishop

Letter from James Edwin Tanner, 30 March 1898

Milford Utah Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Dear Bro: Yours of the 25th received notifying me that I am called on a mission to Southern States. I will accept of the call and will be there on date mentioned Your Brother in the Gospel James E. Tanner E. Samsen. P. E.

Letter from Chester Frederick Campbell, 30 March 1898

Fairview, Wyo., [page torn] First Presidency Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Bre^t^hern: I learn from Bro Geo. Reynold that you have not yet received my letter informing you of the willingness of the call which has been mad of myself and Lady. I wrote you on the 25 of inst, perhaps you have received it before now. As there was two dates mentioned in the lettr which I received, informing us of our call to Great Britan. the 9 and 23 of April, we perfered the latter, 23 on account of so much to do. We will be there on the 20 of April if that will be satisfacturally. Bp. Porter signed my other letter which I sent to you, and as I think you will receive it all right, I will not have him sign this. Your Bro. in the Gospell Chester F. Campbell.

Letter from William McLeod, 30 March 1898

Oasis President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Bro, I received your call, for me to fill a mission to Colorado. I am willing to go and do the best I can, and with what little means i have, after I get to my field of labor I will have to depend on the Lord, and travel without purse or scrip as i have no income. Your Bro. in the Gospel Wm McLeod Lars Hansen 1st Counselor J C Hawley 2nd councelor P.S. Pleas inform me how much money & what other thing I will need & what they will cost

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 30 March 1898

Rexburg, Idaho Pres Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother: Some time ago Bro Chas Pettel's name was suggested to us and recommended to you as worthy and ready to go upon a mission in mMay next. In consultation with Bro M. F. Cowley while here a few weeks ago, he was advised to make preparations to this end as he undoubtedly would receive a call from you. He has done so and if it meets your approval he is ready to leave here on Monday next so as to get the benefits of cheap Railroad rates, spend a few weeks in Salt Lake City and be ready to start as first suggested. Your immediate reply would be much appreciated by him Very Respectfully yours, T E Ricks


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Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Mar 30, 1898