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Day in the Life

Apr 22, 1898

Journal Entry

April 22, 1898 ~ Friday

Friday Ap 22. At the office quite busy today


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Letter from Lewis Albert Warren, 22 April 1898

President Wilford Woodruff Box, B. Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother Your letter of Notification of April 20th 1898 received, stating that my name has been suggested and accepted as a Missionary to Southern States, to start from Salt Lake City Utah June 16th 1898 and in reply to same. I have no reasonable excuse to offer, only my own weakness and imperfections. I know that No one can take this Authority unto himself but He that is called of God. [Hebrews 5:4] Should there be no reasonable obstacles to hinder me from going, I will be ready to go at that time and I accept of the call, and will be at Historians Office to be set apart on the day previous to that appointed for departure I hope and pray that I may be able, with the blessings of the Lord, to fulfill an honorable Mission ^I remain^ Your Brother in the Gospel Lewis, Albert, Warren E. S. Horsley Bishop

Letter from Peter Ellis Johnson, 22 April 1898

Huntington Emery Co. Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Your notice of 20 inst at hand, am pleased to think that I have been counted worthy to be called, as a misionary, as a repersentive of the church of Jesus Christ of Laterday Saints, and can only say, that with the help of the Lord, I will endever to fulfill it in an honerably, and acceptiable ^way^ to the priesthood. If nothing happens, I will be there on the appointed time; for "I'm not ashamed of the gosple of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation," [Romans 1:16] and will endever to live worthy of the position, and honor the call made of me. About how much money will I kneed to have, the kind of close, or dress, to ware, and books needed, also all that I will need to take me there, and need while there. My call is to the Southern States, to leave Salt Lake City on June 16, 1898.

Letter from William Edward Partington, 22 April 1898

Logan President Woodruff Dear Brother I was to report to you when out of debt for a Mission to Great Britain. I am 62 in may, my Bishop thinks I cannot stand it, yet I would like to go to get my genealogy and do what mission work my health would premit, if this will do pleas let me know Your Brother in the Gospel W. E. Partington Robert Davidson Bp This Bro is a thorough Latter Day saint and in good health and I heartily reccomend him for this Mission Orson Smith Very well. Let it be understood that he will go to gather geneological data, and

Letter from Andrew Smith Jr., 22 April 1898

Friday . President Wilford Woodruff. and Councillors, Beloved Brethren: Your letter to me with instructions (to me) as to what you desire will be carried out to the very letter if possible. I do not think I will be able to leave Sydney before the 18th of June, as the work to be done will keep me here (in the Colonies) until after the leaving of the May boat. The agency at Sydney have not received any instructions from Mr Coyle up to date. Two mails have come since I received letter from Geo. Reynolds informing me of the arrangments made between you and the agent at Vancouver. I believe the changs^ing^ of the agency, from the Huddard Parker Co. to the Burns Philip's S.S. Co at Sydney has caused them to overlook the latter part i.e. the instructions they should have sent to Sydney. I have two men released from their labors and if word does not come before the next boat leaves it will very much inconvenience them. If they have overlooked it entirely I may be delayed in my return, there have been two other elders released to leave Sydney June 18th


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Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Apr 22, 1898