Day in the Life

Apr 30, 1898

Journal Entry

April 30, 1898 ~ Saturday

Sat Ap 30. Staid at home today & rested

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Letter from August Wilhelm Ossmen, 30 April 1898

Rigby Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother. Your letter of April 26 received I willingly exaccept of the call to go on a mission. With the help of gGod I desire to do all the good I can pl preaching the gospel. I desire to be obedent to the call of the priesthood at all times Your Brother in the gospel A. W. Ossmen. Geo. A. Cordon Bp.

Letter from David N. White, 30 April 1898

Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, Your letter of the 27th inst. is received. And in reply will state that I feel it an honor, to be deemed worthy to promulgate the principles of our faith to the inhabitents of Great Britain. Therefore I will endeavor to be on hand at the place desig- nated in your letter; in the month of August. 1898. Your Brother in the Gospel, David N. White. James Nelson Sr Bishop

Letter from Sylvester Low Jr., 30 April 1898

To Prest Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother The School Taxes, on the Tithing Property here, and also on the "Canadian Herd Ranch, will be due in a few days, and in View of this I will not be able to make Cash Remittance for this Month, as it will require about the amount there is on hand Viz $37.00, to meet this; Will send copy of Receipts for the abovementioned next Month. Hoping this will be Satisfactory; Yours Respectfully Sylvester Low Stake Tithing Clerk

Letter from John Powell Roberts, 30 April 1898

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother your letter came to hand in due time, with reference to the request made therein, will say, I will be there at the time & place specified, & my desire is that I may be able to perform an Honorable Mission & alltho I feel weak, & an humble Instrument, I sincerely pray that I may thru the Help of the Lord, be the means of doing some little good. Your Brother in the Gospel John P Roberts. James Nielsen Sr Bishop

Letter from David Nathan Hukill, 30 April 1898

Seattle, Wash., . Rev. Mr Woodward Salt Lake City Utah Rev sir I took the liberty sending or having a paper sent to you with a writer to me from and old friend of mine Charles De Veir. Now as I can never forget kindness which I rec'd from the members of your church years ago I take this liberity in writing you as I think if any membor of the Later Days Saints Church intend going to alask if they can make a party I will take them in with me on new territor of gold when I go in I take my wife with me. Now I am so situated I can make up a large party and put them on ground that will pay from 5 to 25 ¢ a par. Now if any of your people wish to join me the can do so for perticulars they can write me I am Very Resptly D N Hukill


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Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Apr 30, 1898