Day in the Life

May 3, 1898

Journal Entry

May 03, 1898 ~ Tuesday

Tues May 3rd. At the office feeling fairly well, having had a good night
nothing of importance to day


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Letter from James Peter Christensen, 3 May 1898

Bear River City Box Elder co Prest Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother My feelings as regarding the call made opon me to go on a mission to Scandinavia in October 1898 are theese. If the Servants of the Lord consider me worthy to go to the missionary field to promulgte the Everlasting Gospel to my fellow men, I will make my arrangement so as to be ready when the time comes that you have appointed to me. Hoping this will answer your letter I remain your humbel Servant in the Gospel of Christ James P. Christensen This is to certifies that Brother J P Christensen is a throughtfull Latter day saint in good standing in the Church of Jesus Christ of Later day saints Carl Jensen Bishop

Discourse 1898-05-03

Tuesday, . The First Presidency at their office this morning were waited upon by Brothers Willard Call and Jos. Hol- brook, of Bountiful, who came to ascertain the views of the Presidency in relation to the enlisting of men for the war with Spain. After disciussung the matter, Prres. Woodruff said his mind was very clear that we must stand by the government and do our share in fighting its battles. Brothers Call and Holbrook expressed their willingness to respond to the call of the Govenrnor, if they could have the blessing and sanction of Pres. Woodruff. Pres. G. Q. Cannon said that whenever our brethren responded to the call and went oto the front, relying upon the spirit of the Lord, they would be blessed in so doing; but he did not think it wise for the First Presidency to take the responsibility of saying that the brethren should go. They should act on their own volition. Pres. Woodruff endorsed this, and promised those who ienlisted that they should receive a blessing before their departure.

Letter from Joseph A. Harding, 3 May 1898

Salt Lake City, Utah,. President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dr Bro: I will be ready to go on my mission at the time you have appointed the 13th day of October 1898. if I am alive and well, which ^blessings^ I hope I will enjoy. I am now here in Salt Lake City and as your letter was directed to Willard, it was delayed in reaching me. Hoping this answer will be satisfactory, and that between now and the appointed time, I may be able by the help of God to inform myself so that I will be a credit to my-self and this Latter Day Work. From your brother in the Gospel, Joseph A. Harding.

Letter from Joseph A. Harding, 3 May 1898


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Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

May 3, 1898