Day in the Life

May 10, 1898

Journal Entry

May 10, 1898 ~ Tuesday

Tuesday May 10th At the office. Bro Nuttall assisted me in looking over my
Bonds, stocks, Notes &c and andputting in good condition so that I cann lay
my hands on them at any time. Went home at 4 pm.


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Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905


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Related Documents

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Letter from Robert McQuarrie and Louis Frederick Moench to the First Presidency, 10 May 1898

Ogden, Utah. . To the Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Dear Brethren: Enclosed you will find a financial statement of the present con- dition of the Weber Stake Academy, and the amount of means now required to liquidate ^its^ present indebtedness. The executive committee has instructed us to forward you this statement, that you might know our true condition, and render us such aid as you in your judgment may think proper. Many of those holding our notes are so financially situated that they must have their interest, and if they cannot get that, they must have the principal. The New England Loan and Trust Co. threaten us with foreclosure of the mortgage on the building as one thousand ($1000) of their principal was due on the 1st of Apr. last, together with the interest on five thousand dollars ($5000) for one year. The Weber Board of Education has no means at its command now to meet these obligations, and unless something is done forthwith the company will undoubtedly carry its threats into execution which will not only force immediate pay- ment of this debt, but also the whole amount due

Letter from J. E. Scattergood, 10 May 1898

Hon. Wilford Woodruff, Zion's Sav. Bank & Tr. Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Sir:— Find enclosed a proof of the biographical sketch we propose to use in the second (and last) volume of our Album of Prominent Bankers of Am- erica. Have the kindness to read the matter over carefully and note any corrections or changes which you think should be made. If the sketch as it stands meets with your approval, mark it OK. In any event please re- turn it to us as soon as possible. As we intend to print only so many copies of the book as we can be sure of selling, you are particularly requested to indicate whether you will want more than one copy ofor yourself and one for the bank. To you, as a contributer to the book's contents, the price will be ten dollars, per copy, although the regular price is twenty-five dollars. Like the first volume (copy of index enclosed) the book we now are compiling will con tain about five hundred portraits with appropriate sketches; these will occupy over five hundred quarto pages, with gilt edges, bound in seal- skin, deeply embossed and lettered in gold. The artistic merit, and actu al usefulness of the work for purposes of reference, identification, etc., will far exceed in value the amount we ask which, in fact, is just about what the books will cost us. As your action in the matter is very impor- tant to us, we hope to have a definite reply. With good wishes, we are Yours very truly, The Financier Company. J. E. Scattergood.

Letter from Harry Davis Haines, 10 May 1898

Salt Lake Pres. Wilford Woodruff City Dear Brother: In reply to your call for me to take a mission to California, I would say that I will leave on the date named, Your Brother H. D. Haines Walter J Beatie Bishop 17th Ward

Letter from John A. Lindberg, 10 May 1898

Tooele . Pres Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Dear Bro. In reply to yours of Apr 28. A call to go on a mission Apr. 1899. I accept the call and will try to make arrangements to leave in said month. Although I have a mother with five children partly depending on me for support. Will try, trusting in the Lord, to do that which is required of me. I feel weak in going on a mission but am willing to try to do my

Letter from Joseph Martin Wight, 10 May 1898

Brigham City President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Your letter of the 27th of April was recived and the contents carefully read, and in reply will say that I will be ready to start on a misshion to the Northern States on the date named in your letter. Your Brother in the Gospel J Martin Wight A A Janson Bp. Third ward Brigam City

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

signed out Delivered to James Jack 552 Trustee in trust Stock 156 parsonal stock 708 of inter mountain Salt Stock


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

May 10, 1898