Day in the Life

Jul 11, 1898

Journal Entry

July 11, 1898 ~ Monday

Monday July 211th At the office all day until 4 pm


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Letter from Don Carlos Woodward, 11 July 1898

Huntington, Utah: . Wilford Woodruff Trustee in Trust, Church of Jesus Christ of L.D.S. Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: In behalf of the Bishopric and Huntington Seminary Board of this ward, I am requested to make the following representations to you, and ask your advice on the same: The Huntington Ward has maintained a Church Seminary for the past five or six years, and for the success which it has met we refer you to Church School Supt. Maeser. During this time we have been obliged to rent a building in which to locate the school. We have a

Estate Papers - Farmers Ward meetinghouse receipt, 11 July 1898

Received from Woodruff and Woodbury for Members Fifteen T X/100 Dollars on account of Meeting Hous $1500 H. F. Burton Bp

Letter from James Bamford Riches, 11 July 1898

Nephi Pres Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Bro. on the 10 of June I received a communication from you asking me to take a Mission to Great Britain in reply to same I beg to say. I feel that I am highly honored by such a call and although I feel exceeding weak and feel my inability yet with the help of the Lord ^I will^ struggle to perform this labor, unless something occurs to prevent I will be on hand at the time appointed. Oct I am yours Bro Jas B. Riches T. H. G. Parkes. Bp. 2nd Ward Nephi

Letter from Cyrus A. Winget, 11 July 1898

Monroe Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother: After quite a delay I will write you concerning my non appearance at S. L. C. on the 7th inst. Our Bishop told me that brother Joseph Smith would report my case and that it would not be necisary to write for a short time, but upon Bro. Smiths return he informed me that you were waiting to here from me. Therefore I address you at this time. I can assure ^you^ Dear Bro. that it was not my desire to stay at home for I felt that I had been called of God to preform a labor of love. My everythoughts were

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

T $7 $6 $7 20

Letter from Charles Kingston, 11 July 1898

EVANSTON, WYO., . President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City. Dear Brother:— In behalf of the Presidency of the Woodruff Stake of Zion, I desire to say, that there are a number of scattered saints residents on the fHilliard Flat^,^ who are desirous that they be organized in some way^,^ that they may be in touch with the body of the Church. The Stake Presidency have an appointment there next sunday, and we desire your council, as to whether we should organize these people into a branch of the Evanston Ward. I am your brother in the Gospel, Charles Kingston


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Jul 11, 1898