Day in the Life

Jul 12, 1898

Journal Entry

July 12, 1898 ~ Tuesday

Tuesday July 212th I drove to the office, was quite busy, feeling very well.


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Letter from E. R. Parry, 12 July 1898
Salt Lake City; . Prest. Woodruff & Counsel; Dear Brethren, I am rather afraid that my case has been either laid aside or entirely forgotten; so I beg on you to forgive me in addressing you once more on this subject; for dear brethren I am not yet without hope in you as men of charity and lovingkindness towards one who has been so unfortunate as I have been in my young days, and I must say that through this great misfortune, I am placed to day in such a depending position to secure a place to earn a livelihood. Dear Brethren, I sincerely ask of you to take my condition into consideration, just as Prest. Brigham Young did in his day, and be kind enough to place me in a position wherein I can make an honest indepen- dent living for myself and wife and Seven children; for this is the full desire of my ^heart^ to do the best in my power to provide for my young family according to the best of my ability, and to teach them the ways of truth and righteousness under all circumstances. These few
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
$25 girl $5 $8 38


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Jul 12, 1898