Day in the Life

Jul 31, 1898

Journal Entry

July 31, 1898 ~ Sunday

Sunday July 31st I spent the day at home resting

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Letter from W. O. Harris, 31 July 1898

Leeds Utah, Wilford Woodruff Prest. Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother In answer to yours of 15 inst notifying me that I had been called to labor as a miss- ionary in New Zeland will say I am willing and anxious to go but cannot do so at the present time as I am in very straightened circum stances. I will give you a brief outline of my affairs so you can judge for yourself. Three years since I moved from this ward to the Preston ward

Telegram from Christian Nielsen Lund Jr., 31 July 1898

Received at OFFICE, 121 MAIN STREET. at 5:56 pm. Dated, Brigham City, Utah, 31. To Prest. Wilford Woodruff. Can you furnish free transportation to Home-seeking latter-day-saints to Canada? C N Lund, Jr. Answer by THIS LINE, sure.

Letter from William A. Call, 31 July 1898

Chesterfield Brother Woodruff I received your letter and I will make y my arrangements so as to leave [beay] the 17 of November William A Call J A. Tolman Bp

Letter from J. Leonard Levy, 31 July 1898

812 Port St. San Francisco July 31, 1898. President Woodruff Dear Sir. I had hoped to write you this week that I would be in Salt Lake City (D. V.) on August 20th & speak in the Tabernacle, as arranged, on the 21st. I regret to say that I am suddenly summoned home & must leave on the 2nd of August, going East without delay. I shall, therefore, not be able to accept your counlcers invitation to preach on "Israel's Hope" on this occasion. I hope to pass this way soon again & I shall then be glad to


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Jul 31, 1898