Day in the Life

Aug 1, 1898

Journal Entry

August 01, 1898 ~ Monday

Monday August 1st I went to the office this morning re[ceive]d letter from M[adam] Mountford
Myself & Emma went out to Saltair on the 215 train, on the occasion of the Salt
Lake Stake Relief Society day. a nice programme was rendered Bro L John Nuttall
master of ceremonies. I spoke at the close of the programme & returned on the 8.15 pm train.


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Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1039 mentions
Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905


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Letter from Lewis Monroe Nebeker, 1 August 1898

Knightville, Utah, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff: Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: Your notification of my being accepted and called to take a mission to the Southern States, and to be ready to start by March 16th, 1899 was received with pleasure. I certainly shall put forth my greatest efforts until time of departure, in preparing to obey the call, as I feel it my duty to do so. At present I know of nothing that would be apt to interfere with my going at the time designated. With an earnest desire to perform a mission that would do honor to God and bring a blessing to myself I remain Your Brother in the Gospel Lewis M. Nebeker. W. A. McCullough Presiding Elder

Letter from Wallace Monroe Riddle, 1 August 1898

Coyote Garfield Co. Aug. 1, 1898. Mr. Willford Woodruff Salt Lake Dear Brother. Your favor of July the 18th is to hand and contents noted. I will kindly ask that I might be excused for a year or such a matter that I might attend the B. Y. Academy school during that time for as I am I am unprepared to teach the

Letter from Frank L. Layton, 1 August 1898

Pres. Wilford Woodruff: Dear Brother, Your favor of July 28th, has been received and I am pleased to accept the call made upon me to take a mission to Great Britain. I shall be ready to leave on August 27th if it is agree- able to your arrangements instead of September 17th, as the call stated. Your Brother, Frank L. Layton. I can cheerfully reccommend Bro Layton as a faithful and efficient Elder Peter Barton Bishop

Letter from Franklin Samuel Leavitt, 1 August 1898

Bunkervill Pres Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother in anser to yours of July 15 I will say that I will endevr to be at Salt Lake on Nov 10 as request to ^fill^ a Misson to the Southwestron state as ever your Brother in the Gosple Franklin S Leavitt E. Bunker Jr Bp

Letter from Milton Lafayette Lee, 1 August 1898

Prest Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: Im going on a mission to the Netherlands what will transportation cost me? What are the neccesary articles and where is the best place to purchase them in going on a foreign mission? Do missionaries to the Netherlands require a monthly income? If so what is the amount?

Letter from Samuel Erastus Henrie, 1 August 1898

Panguitch . Pres. Wilford Woodruff. S. L. City Dear Sir: Yours of 15th insult. at hand. In reply will say that I will be at your mercy by October the 1st 1898. Yours truly, S. E. Henrie. Allen Miller. Bp

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

paid $40 paid 40 80

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Cash $25 girl 2 weeks $10 35

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

July 1 T $20 , C $5 $25 $25 70


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Aug 1, 1898