Day in the Life

Aug 5, 1898

Journal Entry

August 05, 1898 ~ Friday

Fri Aug 5. At the office, not quite so well, have some rheumatizm. Very
busy on financial matters.


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Letter from Christian Franklin Christensen, 5 August 1898

Kanosh Utah Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro. Yours of the 1st inst to hand stating my name had been suggested & accepted as a missionary to the Southern States, and asking that I have my bishop endorse my answer, I am of the opinion that there must be some mistake in this as I was chosen as bishop of this ward last November, and still hold that position. I forwarded the names of Wm Staples and Leslie George to the president of our Stake as missionaries last spring and these brethren have never heard from you as yet, they are good examplary

Letter from John Ephraim Magleby, 5 August 1898

Monroe, Utah, Office First Presidency Gentlemen, Would like to know whether there would be any objection raised against me taking a magic lantern with which to show views of Utah, of Church buildings &ct. with me to mNew Zealand. I think I could do much good among outsiders in showing pictures and at same time lectureing to them upon topics of Utah, and the principles of the Gospel. Kindly give me your mind upon this matter. Your Brother for Truth J E Magleby

Letter from George Chandler Parkinson, 5 August 1898

Preston, Idaho, . Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. My Dear Brother: I enclose you herewith letter from Bro. Clinton Ray, which will again call to your attention our condition and the necessity for for an early reply to our recommendations relative to the opening and maintenance of the Stake Academy at Preston. With kindest wishes for your welfare and praying the Lord to abondantly bless you, I am, Your Brother, Geo. C. Parkinson

Mission - Missionary Certificate for Jeppa Monsson, 5 August 1898

in behalf of said Church. Wilford Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon Jos. F. Smith First Presidency.


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Aug 5, 1898