Day in the Life

Aug 4, 1898

Journal Entry

August 04, 1898 ~ Thursday

Thur Aug 4th Went to the office feeling very well and attended my
usual meeting at the Temple at 11 am till 130 p.m. I wrote to M[adam] M, went
home at 4 pm


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Letter from Allen Smith Miller, 4 August 1898

Panguitch, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of July 15 is to hand will say in ansur that if the lord wills I will be redy to start on the date designated Nov. 10 Very Respectfuly Your Brothe A. S. Miller. Allen Miller, Bp

Letter from Sven Johan Nilsson, 4 August 1898

Centerfield President Wilford Woodruff Salt City City Dear Brother I am thankfull to the Lord that I am wirthy of such a noble Call and will honnar and by the help of the Lord will try to fulfill the same. I will be redy to leave Salt Lake City on the 10th of Sept. 1898 your Brother in the Gospel. Sven John Nielsen Andrew C. Fjeldsted

Letter from Harrison Boat Kenner, 4 August 1898

President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother. In answere to your call for me to go on a mission. at the time my Bishop ask me to go which was in March, all was well but shartly after my wife took sick and lay in bed three months, she kept me hands tied and it set me way behind in finincial afairs. I am in debt quit bad. I dont know how I could Raise the money to go on. when I got my call in March at that time I was useing Tobacco but agreed to my Bishop to Quit and did so for a period of four months but being weeck weak as all human beings is I started to use it again I went to my Bishop when I got my call in July told him I would go but me useng tobacco he thought it would not be wise untill I could over come it. I told him his advise was the best. I would like to have six months to prepare in if posible Yours Resp. Harrison Kenner

Letter from Heber Eldridge Harrison, 4 August 1898

Pinto, . Wilford Woodruff Esq. Salt Lake City Dear Bro: Yours of 15th Ult. at hand; in reply will say, I will be at your survice at the date you wished ^(^Nov. 10, 1898.) Please send instructions. I remain Yours &c Heber E. Harrison Pinto Washington Co Utah. R. C. Knell Bishop pr J H Harrison 1st Counsellor


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Aug 4, 1898