Day in the Life

Aug 7, 1898

Journal Entry

August 07, 1898 ~ Sunday

Sunday Aug 7th I spent the day at home.

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Letter from John Francis Perkins, 7 August 1898

Montpelier Aug 7 [18]98 Pres Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro: I received your letter calling me on a mission to Southern States, and setting Oct 20, 1898 as the date of my departure from Salt Lake City, unless some unlookedfor event transpires I will be ready & willing to leave at the time set your Bro in the over

Letter from Matilda Halverson Farr, 7 August 1898

President Wilford Woodruff and Council Salt Lake Utah Dear Bretheren: You will pardon me, the liberty I take in addressing this note you; but circumstances have complled me to do so. You will remmembr the calling of Bro Winslow Farr and myself at your office just a short time prior to his departure, for Mexico You will no doubt

Letter from Charles Rodwell Pearce, 7 August 1898

Montpelier, Idaho . Pres Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake Uta, Dear Brother: Your letter of June 23rd notifying me of my call to go a mission to great Britian leaving Salt ^Lake^ on a date in Oct not yet stated. Unless events transpire before that date of which I have no knowledge, will be ready to take my departure on the day and date appointed. Your Brother in the Gospel Chas. R. Peiarce. Wilford W Clark Bp. Montpelier Ward.

Letter from James Richard Hart, 7 August 1898

Montpelier, Idaho Pres Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake Uta. Dear Bro: Your letter of June 20th notifying me of my call to go on a mission to Germany leaving Salt Lake Jan 7th [18]99. Unless events transpire before that date of which I have no present Knowledge will be at Salt Lake on the day appointed. Your Bro in the Gospel, J. Richard Hart. Wilford W Clark Bp Montpelier Ward Recommending James Richard Hart

Letter from George Benjamin Folkman, 7 August 1898

President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City, utah Dear Brother: In reply to yours of July 28, will say that I will be ready to fulfill the call that has been made of me, on the date named in my call, which is September 15 [18]98 Your Brother Geo. B. Folkman Bishop Ira Hogan


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Aug 7, 1898