Day in the Life

Aug 8, 1898

Journal Entry

August 08, 1898 ~ Monday

Mon Aug 8th Went to the office. Had a meeting with the officers of the Utah
Loan and Trust Co all the morning, and busy this afternoon until 345
when I left for home


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Letter from Andrew Ephraim Fuhriman, 8 August 1898
Providence President Woodruff Dear Brothor I recivid your letter asking me if I would be able to start on a mission to Switzerland on Nov. 5 I will be at the Office Nov 4th From your Brother in the Gosple A E Fuhrimann Fred Theurer Bp
Letter from Alma Martin Iverson, 8 August 1898
Brigham City, . First Presidency, Salt Lake City. Dear Brethren, As you wish, I will be ready for my mission Sept. 15th 1898. Respt. Your Brother in the Gospel Alma Iversen Brigham City Utah. J. B. McMaster, Bp.
Letter from Franklin Dewey Richards, John Jaques, Charles William Penrose, and Amos Milton Musser, 8 August 1896
Salt Lake City, . President Wilford Woodruff and Counsellors. Dear Brethren: In accordance with your wishes, I have heard Elder L. Wilson's Sketch of the Life of David W. Patten read, in company with Elders J. Jaques, C. W. Penrose, and A. M. Musser, and we all consider it is an excellent work, and will prove interesting, instructive and edifying to its readers. We would, however, make the following suggestions, which we think would be improvements: Page 4 - "New Movement". Would not some other expression be better? Page 8 - "Patriarch Joseph C. Kingsbury". He was not a Patriarch then. Would not the word Elder be better, if any title is given? Page 9 - "Sent to the honest in heart". Was he not sent to Preach the Gospel to all who would hear? Page 10 - "Patriarch Hyrum Smith". Same as page 8. Page 11 - "President B. Young". Same as page 8. Page 24 - "President Lorenzo Snow". Same as page 8. Page 24 - "Master passion". What was that? Is it a good expression?


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Aug 8, 1898