Day in the Life

Aug 15, 1898

Journal Entry

August 15, 1898 ~ Monday

Mon Aug 15th I had an interview with Bro. Nye, President of
the California mission. Spent the day at the house resting.


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Letter from Eliza Chipman Christensen, 15 August 1898
American Fork, Pres't. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. My Dear Brother. Your letter of the eleventh instant, which contained a missionary call to Great Britian, was duly recieved, and I take pleasure in stating that I will be ready and on hand to start from your city on the requested date. I would thank you for some in- formation as regards endowments, is it nec- essary or customary for ladies to have their endowments before they are married? Your Sister in the Gospel Liza Chipman. Bi[sho]p W D Robinson
Estate Papers - Farmers Ward meetinghouse receipt, 15 August 1898
Received from A. O. Woodruff Fifty X/100 Dollars on account of Meeting House $50.00/100 Thanks H F. Burton Bp


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Aug 15, 1898