Day in the Life

Aug 20, 1898

Journal Entry

August 20, 1898 ~ Saturday

Sat Aug 20th Dr Winslow Anderson called and spent the
evening with us


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Letter to Clara Martisha Woodruff Beebe, 20 August 1898
San francisco Call ^Saturday^ My Dear Clara M Beeb^i^e I am shut up in a chamber here in San Francisco & not in a situation to go out much Ma & I have been Driven through the Great park and saw the place where the Utah Soldiers camped we went one Night to see the repre- sentation of the Great Battle of Manella The blowing up of the TSpanish forts the taking of the Armey prisioners it was All vary interesting the Most magnificent fire works I Ever saw in my life My circumstances are such I cannot go about as much as I wish I could I was Thankful to hear Alice get along as well as she has. I was sorry to hear that you was not Well I hope you will
Letter from William Gould, 20 August 1898
Presend W. W. Woodruf Dear Sir I receved your leter on the 17 and in answer to it I am ready if it be the will of lard and if all is well at your Request Yours truly Wm Gould Plese let let me know how much it costs to go there to the Great Britain You will oblige your Brother in the Gosple Wm Gould
Letter to Asahel Hart Woodruff, 20 August 1898
Sanfrancisco My Dear Asahel Naoma & all the family We are here on the coast and doing as well as we can I was sorry Brother Cannon was suddenly calld home for I think He Needed a rest here quite as Much as I do we were Glad that Alice got along as well as she did I hope the rest of you are all well We had a Clara here to rest, Eat, Drink sleep & see sights we went one night to see the Battle of Menella it was vary interesting to see the Bombardment of the spanish forts, blowing them up, taking the spanish prisioners And the fire works was the Greatest scene I Ever saw in my life It was quite cold out we had to be well wraped up the spanish


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Aug 20, 1898