Day in the Life

Aug 24, 1898

Journal Entry

August 24, 1898 ~ Wednesday

TuesWed. Aug 234th I called on the Doctor, & with a hard
cracked catheter lacerated my flesh and enterence to
the bladder, it injured me a good deal. I passed a
gill of blood. I could not go there any more. Prest
Geo. Q Cannon & wife returned.


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2285 mentions

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Letter from Ezra Thompson DuFresne Stevenson, 24 August 1898
Nuhaka, N. Z. Presidents Woodruff, Cannon and Smith, Box B. Salt Lake City, Utah. Beloved Brethern: Your favor of June 25th reached me July 31st announcing the coming of Elders E. Newby and Chas Stevens, and I have been waiting until today to learn of arrival that I might report same to you. I had learned indirectly that Elder Newby would be out on boat arriving in July and sent a letter to meet him, but for some reason it must have failed to reach him, and we have no one near at hand to Wellington to meet incoming boats. For this latter reason it would be a great convenience to us here if when possible we could know a month before the com- ing of a company and arrange communica- tion with them. By this we can sometimes save some £ in steamer fares, as well as expense of waiting in Wellington. These two brethren ar- rived safely a month ago, and I only learned of it today, the fault however is partly theirs. We are again in Elder Whaanga's old home, here to hold district conference on Saturday and Sunday next. He is delighted to be in this
Letter from Crayton Johnson, 24 August 1898
Prest Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother Your letter asking me if I could be ready to start on a mission to the Southwestern States came to hand some time since, but at the time I was quite sick, but as I am better now and able to be around again I answer and say I will be there at the time desired Nov 10th ready to go and do the best I can. Very Truly yours Crayton Johnson Bro Crayton Johnson will be there on time fully prpared to furnish himself and fill his mission Thomas J Jones Bp


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Aug 24, 1898