go forward in the discharge of their duties.
spoke of Gods readiness to bless all those who keep his
commandments. Elder said "It is truly
grattifying to me to meet with the people of ,
& this morning & see so many
familiar faces from the southern states gathered to this
valley." spoke of the favorable surroundings, & the hopes of
prosperity, admonished the Saints to be faithful, &
prove themselves worthy of Gods mercies which were
so abundantly manifested in their favor.
Apostle Wilford Woodruff was delighted
to see so many at meeting, spoke of the unpopularity
of the principles of truth, & the afflictions, & suffering
of our Savior, "In my boyhood I prayed a great deal
to God that I might be permitted to live in a day, &
age in which ministers could be found who taught
the same principles, which we find in the ; the Lord heard, & answered my prayer, & has granted
me that glorious priviledge, spoke of the magnitude of
the labor, resting upon the L.D.S. their inability to
fully comprehend the extent of their mission upon the
Earth, the growth, & progress of the Kingdom of God.
"The Prophet was reserved by our heavenly
go forward in the discharge of their duties.
spoke of Gods readiness to bless all those who keep his
commandments. Elder said "It is truly
grattifying to me to meet with the people of ,
& this morning & see so many
familiar faces from the southern states gathered to this
valley." spoke of the favorable surroundings, & the hopes of
prosperity, admonished the Saints to be faithful, &
prove themselves worthy of Gods mercies which were
so abundantly manifested in their favor.
Apostle Wilford Woodruff was delighted
to see so many at meeting, spoke of the unpopularity
of the principles of truth, & the afflictions, & suffering
of our Savior, "In my boyhood I prayed a great deal
to God that I might be permitted to live in a day, &
age in which ministers could be found who taught
the same principles, which we find in the new testament; the Lord heard, & answered my prayer, & has granted
me that glorious priviledge, spoke of the magnitude of
the labor, resting upon the L.D.S. their inability to
fully comprehend the extent of their mission upon the
Earth, the growth, & progress of the Kingdom of God.
"The Prophet was reserved by our heavenly