Pres. asked the stated that a
brief report would be given, of the different Wards.
Bishop " said "the people are generally
poor, ^in consequences of loss of crops by an early frost last fall^ and many have to go from home, to labor for a supp-
ort; but so far as have been ascertained from the teachers,
they are doing as well as could be expected."
said "the folks of Scritas,
are getting along peacable, are seeking to serve God
to the best of their ability."
said, "the people of are friendly, & peac ^agreeable^
with each other; pay their tithing promptly, & thereby
show their willingness to support the cause in
which we are engaged." , reported
the branch, kind, & generous towards
eachother, & endeavoring to keep the commandments
of the Lord. Apostle ^President^ , addressed
the audience, said, "It is necessary that the people
in this portion of the Lords Vinyard be organized
into a stake of Zion." Instructed the audience
in regard to the labors, & duties of the L.D.S. Ex^h^ortation
to those officiating in the Kingdom of God to honor
& magnify their calling. "the world is ignorant of what
they call Mormonism." Explained what Mormonism is.
Pres. stated that a
brief report would be given, of the different Wards.
Bishop said "the people are generally
poor, in consequences of loss of crops by an early frost last fall and many have to go from home, to labor for a support; but so far as have been ascertained from the teachers,
they are doing as well as could be expected."
said "the folks of Scritas,
are getting along peacable, are seeking to serve God
to the best of their ability."
said, "the people of are friendly, & agreeable
with each other; pay their tithing promptly, & thereby
show their willingness to support the cause in
which we are engaged." , reported
the branch, kind, & generous towards
eachother, & endeavoring to keep the commandments
of the Lord. President , addressed
the audience, said, "It is necessary that the people
in this portion of the Lords Vinyard be organized
into a stake of Zion." Instructed the audience
in regard to the labors, & duties of the L.D.S. Exhortation
to those officiating in the Kingdom of God to honor
& magnify their calling. "the world is ignorant of what
they call Mormonism." Explained what Mormonism is.