W W spoke 10 M[inutes] {shorthand}
Afternoon we attended Meeting at Brigham
City Br Foster Prayed Br Brookbank spoke
25 Minuts unto edificatn Lot Smith 40 M
W W 20 M, then returned home to Sunset
we see by the Deserettt News that the U S Court
they pack their Juries and throw out all
men who believe in poligamy and are deter
mined to prosecute all person who keep that
Law. Polaker called upon me at Sunset
7 [FIGURE] I wrote 2 letters to E Snow 6 pages
sent him a list of tithing prices of produce
stock &c of this county for Brother Tayler & Hunter wrote to J Jaques 2 pages quite
windy to day
~ Wednesday
8. A vary hard frost the first of the season
killed evry thing green vary cold day I took
a walk through the fields
~ Sunday
Oct 5 1879
WW spoke 10 M {shorthand}
Afternoon we attended Meetig at Brigham
City Br Foster Prayed Br Brookbank spok
25 Minuts unto Edification Lot Smith 40 Minutes
WW 20 Minutes then returned home to Sunset
we see by the Deserett News that the US Coun
ty pack their Juries and throw out all
man who believe in poligomy and are deter
mined to prosecute all person who keep that
Law. Polaker called upon me at Sunset
~ Monday
6. I read this mornig in the new translation
Paul Epistle to 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon
Hebrews, James, 1 & 2 Peter 1 2 & 3 John & Jude
all these Epistles are vary Edifying & instructive
I laid hands upon 2 sick persons to day A find
Ready the New Translations of the Booke to day
~ Tuesday
7 [FIGURE] I wrote 2 letters to E Snow 6 pages
sent him a list of tithing prices of Produce
stock &c of this Country for Brother Tyler &
Hunter wrote to J Jaques 2 pages quite
windy to day
~ Wednesday
8 A vary hard frost the first of the season
killed Evy thig green vary cold day I took
a walk through the fields
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