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Church History Library of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
Collection Name | Wilford Woodruff collection, 1830-1898 |
Collection Description | Journal, 1879 February 28-October 29 |
Collection Number | MS 5506 |
Collection Box | N/A |
Collection Folder | N/A |
Collection Page | 1-105 |
Source Link | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
Introduction | Wilford Woodruff's discourse to saints in Iowa Territory, April 8, 1848, from Historian's Office general Church minutes, 1839-1877. |
Rights and Use | Copyright and Use Information |
Transcript | View Full Transcript |
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April 6, 1879 Their is to day but one of the first Qoorum of Twelve Apostles who are in the Church Living Orson Pratt & but 2 of the 2nd Quorum John Taylor & Wilford Woodruff how long we shall Live the Lord knoweth I do not The General Conference of the Church met to day in the big Tabernacle in Salt Lake City while I am hid up from my Enemies in this barren Desert Country for keeping One of the Commandments of God Will the next April Conference find me alive & a free man God knoweth
went to the Evening Meet spoke 45 Minutes returned to my tent Eat a Bool of Bread & Milk went to Bed in my tent, was taken with great pain in my stomach & Bowels which soon [FIGURE] Terminated in a severe Dedly attack of the Billious Cramp Cholic John W Young Bro Lewis & Wakeland ^waited^ on me through the night I had 10 Attacks during the night with Cramp in the stomach & vitals with such severity that the last one I had took away my Breath & it was ownly restored to me through the administration of the Elders My Nature could not have withstood another attack of the same violence without taking my life, through the administration of the Elders and the Mercy of God I was saved from another attack &
Thank the Lord ^I^ was able this morning to arise, wash, shave, & dress myself and after Eating a little Oyster soup I took my pen and wrote this Journal upto date since Sunday the 4. But, that it was all I was able to do I felt very thankful to my heavenly father that he had preserved my life that He had not taken it away while I was so far from my family and friends in Salt Lake. Though John W. Young & other friends here done all in their power to preserve my life Both by nursing, attention, and administration and prevailed for my preservation
I was making preparation to start this morning for sunset But I had a Dream Before I awoke this morning that warned me that I had an Enemy at sunset watching for an opportunity to
I went into the Mountains Built an Altar of Stone and Dedicated the Land to God for the Benefit of the Saints.
spoke one hour on the fulfillment of prophesy & revelation spoke of Jeremiah being ordained a Prophet to the Nation before He was Born Jer Ch 1. and all He prophesied to Jerrusalem & Babylon were fulfilled so would all prophesy concerning the last day be fulfilled
Petone gave 3 young Mormon Boys the Strongest Rebuke I Ever heard from an Indian The were smoaking in the Evening while we was [falling] & they asked him to smoke He looked them sternly in the face and said "No The Great Spirit has told me if I would not smoke nor Drink whisky I should live 110 years But if I did do it I should not live long" I said to the Boys you lay that rebuke to heart & never set such a rebuke Example again before an Indian)
We opened by singing & prayer and Brother Tenney talked to them in spanish for 30 Minuts and the spirit of the Lord was with the people and when we dismissed an Indian arose and said why must this Meeting stops in this way why cannot this good talk be continued if the women are weary let them go home I want to learn More all then set down I felt the spirit of God upon me I talked to them planly and taught them principles of the kindgom
I Believe thes Islatoras with the village associated with them to Be the Nephites including the Josephites, Jacobites & NZoramites they Number 32000, Have 16 distinct Languages & occupy near 40 villiages they comprize the Islatus Lagoonies & Zunies mostly in New Mexico one small town in Texeas that speaks the Isleto Language The 3 sec of the D. C. 16 & 17 vers says that the Book of Mormon shall come to the Nephites Jacobites Josephites & Zoramites If there is any Nephites in America they are this people. They are far more intelligent Cleanly & Industrious than the Lamanites they Build good houses Many of thare floor carpeted their fields of Corn vineyards & orchards are kept Clean they perform mor Labor than Americans or Mormons They are virtuous and keep their Blood