in behalf of the Reorganized church.
The subject of the gathering was
also canvassed by both sides. The
position of each speaker was well
argued, and the arguments, and
scriptural proofs were so well main-
tained by each, that the opinions of the
audiencies, were quite largely desi-
ded. many of them expressing them-
selves, that the only way to settle these
important questions to the satisfac-
tion of all parties; would be to bring
about a joint Discussion, by the two
churches. The First Presidency of each
church, selecting Representative men
from each of their respective bodies,
to debate these two important questions
(succession & gathering) before the
people of this city, or any other place
that may be mutually agreed upon.
Hence, Elder , & ,
drew up a challenge, in behalf of the
in behalf of the Reorganized church.
The Subject of the gathering was
also canvassed by both sides. The
position of each speakers was well
argued, and the arguments, and
scriptural proofs were so well maintained by each, that the opinions of the
audiences, were quite largely decided. many of them expressing themselves. that the only way to settle these
important questions to the satisfaction of all parties; would be to bring
about a Joint Discussion by the two
churches. The First Presidency of each
church, selecting Representative men
from each of their respective bodies,
to debate these two important questions
(Sucession + Gathering) before the
people of this city, or any other place
that may be mutually agreed upon.
Hence, Elder D. L. Harris, & myself,
drew up a Challenge, in behalf of the