Reorganized church, inviting your
church to a Discussion as above stated,
and had it published in two papers of this
city. I will enclose with this, a copy of the
challenge. also the answer of Bro.
& ; and last but not least,
a verbatim copy of statement from
the First Presidency of the Reorganized
Church, which we received from them
very recently; and caused the same to
be published in the daily Courier of this
city, March 13th, or yesterday. You will
see by answer of Bros Lyman & Roberts ^that^ they
request, us to put our church behind our
challenge &c, and also that Elders Lyman &
Roberts favor & will use their influence to
bring about said Discussion. And the people
here, also those of both churches, positively
demand that such a meeting shall take
place in the near future, that all may know
where the authority, & the truth abides. I shall
Register this so there may be no possible de-
lay or miscarriage.
Respectfully, .
Reorganized church, inviting your
church to a discussion as above stated,
and had it published in two papers of this
city. I will enclose with this, a copy of the
challenge. also the answer of Bro
& ; and last but not least,
a verbatim copy of Statement from
the First Presidency of the Reorganized
Church, which we received from them
very recently; and caused the same to
be published in the daily Courier of this
city, March 13th, or yesterday. You will
see by Answer of Bros Lyman & Roberts that they
request, us to put our church behind our
challenge &c, and also that Elders Lyman &
Roberts favor & will use their influence to
bring about said Discussion. And the people
here, also those of both churches, positively
demand that such a meeting shall take
place in the near future, that all may know
where the authority, & the truth abides. I shall
Register this so there may be no possible delay or miscarriage. Respectfully, R. R. Dana.
D. L. Harris.