Elders Co^u^rt accordingly I returned to Springfield
& met with the council of Elders at 11 oclock AM
Elder John Taylor prefered a charge against
Elder Almon Babit for rejecting his teaching in
public when it was correct & for other improper
conduct. I was called to the chair & opened the
meeting by prayer We herd the testimony on the
subject & with other remarks the Day was occ
upyed untill the sitting of the sun the testimony
was against Elder Bapbbit & he finally made
a confession & the subject was settled. We
had much other matters to perform &c but
little time to do it in Elder Taylor settled
with the printer for printing his history of the
persecution of the Saints. We also sold our
horse saddle & bridle for $23 dollars & we had
some Donations made us by the Saints to assist us
on our journey We took the parting hand with
the Saints & rode to Rochester & spent the night
with Brother N Thomas I [FIGURE] wrote a letter
to my wife & requested her to write to me in Buffalo & New York Distance 16 miles
Elders Court accordingly I returned to Springfield
& met with the council of Elders at 11 oclock AM
Elder John Taylor prefered a charge against
Elder Almon Babit for rejecting his teaching in
public when it was correct & for other improper
conduct. I was called to the chair & opened the
meeting by prayer We herd the testimony on the
subject & with other remarks the Day was occ
upyed untill the sitting of the sun the testimony
was against Elder Babbit & he finally made
a confession & the subject was settled. We
had much other matters to perform & but
little time to do it in Elder Taylor settled
with the printer for printing his history of the
persecution of the Saints. We also sold our
horse saddle & bridle for $23 dollars & we had
some Donations made us by the Saints to assist us
on our journey We took the parting hand with
the Saints & rode to Rochester & spent the night
with Brother N Thomas I [FIGURE] wrote a letter
to my wife & requested her to write to me in
Buffalo & New York Distance 16 miles