answer – dont know but that was offended with for my plainness, but could
not well help it, for I felt interested in her wellfare as we have been so intimately
acquainted. I told you in my other letter that I had been liveing by the wayside
as it were since you left me, I have moved 4 times since you, left home; that is
something for one whose health was as feeble as mine. I moved from
to brother , thence to my new house then to father then into a small
house of his in the same door yard, just before I was confined–I chose to
go there that I might be more retired. I had every thing at that time that
was necessary to make me comfortable and have been much blest of the Lord.
I missed you much more at that time than before Oh! thought I if I
could but have my Willford to call on instead of strangers what a comfort
it would be to me but that time is past and over now, thank the Lord for it.
Your prayer was answered in my haveing friends to stand by me when I needed
them – the brethren are verry kind about here likewise the family where I now
live. I shall probably stay where I am untill you return – father Clark says
that you need not be concerned about ^me^ untill you get back only pray for me,
he is verry kind.
Have you forgotten our hour for prayer, we have the third
one to join us – sister in – she tries to observe the time & although
far distant from each other we have the same God to call on, woh who hears
the prayer of his children. We know not how to appreciate blessings untill
we are deprived of them. We often see people who are permitted to live togather
men to stay at home with their families but me thinks they do not realize
their privileges. I often look on such families around me and think how happy
they must be but I suppose they do not realize it, I even look on black Jack and
think if I could have my Willford live at home ^with^ me even if we had to work
verry hard I should not mind or value that for then we might enjoy our
humble pittance ^in^ each other's society which gives a relish to every blessing. You prob-
ably remember our last ride togather out to brother settlement to see our
little , the prairies were most delightfuly clothed with flowers and
verdure and I thought it the most pleasent ride we ever had togather, the sabbath
following I rode out to the same place in company with a number of others
to a meeting and to see Sarah the flowers were there but they with every thing
else were dressed in gloom and looked lonely as I felt, nothing looked cheerful
but my little Sarah, I found her health much improved which was
much satisfaction to me – these with many other reflections pass and repass
through my mind – but in the midst of them something whispers Phebe
do you want your companion to come home to you before he has filled his pres-
ent mission my heart answers no but Lord give me patience and a willingness to
wait his return and hasten the time that he shall be returned to the bosom of his
answer – dont know but that was offended with for my plainness, but could
not well help it, for I felt interested in her wellfare as we have been so intimately
acquainted. I told you in my other letter that I had been liveing by the wayside
as it were since you left me, I have moved 4 times since you, left home; that is
something for one whose health was as feeble as mine. I moved from
to brother , thence to my new house then to father then into a small
house of his in the same door yard, just before I was confined–I chose to
go there that I might be more retired. I had every thing at that time that
was necessary to make me comfortable and have been much blest of the Lord.
I missed you much more at that time than before Oh! thought I if I
could but have my Willford to call on instead of strangers what a comfort
it would be to me but that time is past and over now, thank the Lord for it.
Your prayer was answered in my haveing friends to stand by me when I needed
them – the brethren are verry kind about here likewise the family where I now
live. I shall probably stay where I am untill you return – father Clark says
that you need not be concerned about me untill you get back only pray for me,
he is verry kind.
Have you forgotten our hour for prayer, we have the third
one to join us – sister in – she tries to observe the time & although
far distant from each other we have the same God to call on, who hears
the prayer of his children. We know not how to appreciate blessings untill
we are deprived of them. We often see people who are permitted to live togather
men to stay at home with their families but me thinks they do not realize
their privileges. I often look on such families around me and think how happy
they must be but I suppose they do not realize it, I even look on black Jack and
think if I could have my Willford live at home with me even if we had to work
verry hard I should not mind or value that for then we might enjoy our
humble pittance in each other's society which gives a relish to every blessing. You probably remember our last ride togather out to brother settlement to see our
little , the prairies were most delightfuly clothed with flowers and
verdure and I thought it the most pleasent ride we ever had togather, the sabbath
following I rode out to the same place in company with a number of others
to a meeting and to see Sarah the flowers were there but they with every thing
else were dressed in gloom and looked lonely as I felt, nothing looked cheerful
but my little Sarah, I found her health much improved which was
much satisfaction to me – these with many other reflections pass and repass
through my mind – but in the midst of them something whispers Phebe
do you want your companion to come home to you before he has filled his present mission my heart answers no but Lord give me patience and a willingness to
wait his return and hasten the time that he shall be returned to the bosom of his