soon after the , and at the same place—before going to at senaca Co. Ny—to continue the Translation of the .
telling that he was in or , in June ^1829^ and being
ordained, and imediately after called to assist in the great work June, 1829, is
good evidence to me.
Now again, he stated to me soon after he
was ordained, he preached and Babtized, and that thare were a number babtized
so that at the Organization of the Church, 6 Apr. the following year 1830 thare were
in his Fathers House, a double log thouse of 2 rooms, about 40 mostly members
of the Church. But, only "6 Elders"—hence the so often repeated saying that
the Church was organized with 6 members. I have beleived David, and if
misled in this, I am open to conviction, and request to be corrected, for I have been in the
Church since 1833—58 years and wish to inculcate correct doctrine's.
David also related that while comeing from Pa., about halfway
to Fayett, N. Y.—which was June 1829—they saw who at that time
appeared as an ordinary man and common attire with a knapsac on his back,
he asked him to ride with them, beut he replied I am only goind over to ,
steped back and disappeared. and David asked the to enquire of the Lord who
this misterious and distinguised visitor was. David told me that when he looked
back at the Prophet he looked to him nearly transprent and said that was Maroni
with the plates, &c. soon after their arrival at Fayett, David said his
saw Maroni and he also opened the turning them over leaf by leaf—
but there was some portion sealed with 3 gold rings.
my visit was
very much enjoyed and had a very good impression upon him. But not as
with , who I visited and brought to zion. Now Bro Woodruff
T. O—
Preisthood soon after the Aronic, and at the same place—before going to at senaca Cou NY—to continue the Translation of the Book of Mormon.
telling me that he was babtized in or , in June 1829 and being
ordained, and imediately after called to assist in the great work June, 1829 is
good evidence to me......Now again, he stated to me soon after he
was ordained, he preached and Babtized and that thare were a number babtized
so that at the Organization of the Church, 6 Apr. the following year 1830 thare were
in his Fathers House, a double loghouse of 2 rooms, about 40 mostly members
of the Church, But, only "6 Elders—" hence the so often repeated saying that
the Church was organized with 6 members. I have beleived David, and if
misled in this, I am open to conviction, and request to be corrected, for I have been in the
Church since 1833—58 years and wish to inculcate correct doctrines.
David also related that while comeing from Harmony Pa,- about halfway
to Fayett, N.Y.- which was June 1829—they saw who at that time
appeared as an ordinary man and common attire with a knapsac on his back,
he asked him to ride with them, but he replied I am only goind over to ,
steped back and disappeared. and David asked the Prophet to enquire of the Lord who
this misterious and distinguised visitor was. David told me that when he looked
back at the Proptet he looked to him nearly transparent and said that was Maroni
with the plates, &c.- soon after their arrival at Fayett, David said his
saw Maroni and he also opened the plates turning them over leaf by leaf—
but there was some portion sealed with 3 gold rings...... my visit was
very much enjoyed and had a very good impression upon him. But not as
with , who I visited and brought to zion. Now Bro Woodruff
T. O—