^7 26^ of operative masonry, & after fully viewing all its parts, he pronounced
it to be the highest effort of human genius, in which he
renounced his claims to pre-eminence on this noble science
which before this period had gained him the undisputed title
of Grand Master of all masons. [1 Kings 7:13-37] The fame of this grand edifice
soon prompted the inquisitive of all Nations to travel &
spend some time at , & survey its excellencies
as far as was allowed to the Gentiles, & they soon found that
the joint skill of all the world came infinitely short of
the Israelites in the wisdom, strength & beauty of their
architecture, when the wise King was Grand Master
of all Masons at Jerrusalem, when the learned King
was Grand Master at , & the inspired—had been
master of the work; when true masonry was under the
care & direction of heaven & when the noble & wise
thought it an honour to be associates of the ingenious
craftsman in their well formed lodges; according to the
Temple of [blank space] became the just wonder of all
travelers on Earth. The pillars differ even in scripture
in regard to the size; they were richly adorned with chapiters
&c. &c. and surmounted by two spherical Balls which
represented the two globes of the Earth & Heavens & pointed
out Masonry universal. [1 Kings 7:40-41] They were thus placed
by the expressed by the direction of King Solomon in refference
to the remarkable pillar of a cloud & of fire which
proved a light & guide to the Israelites in their miraculous
of operative masonry, & after fully viewing all its parts, he pronounced
it to be the highest effort of human genius, in which he
renounced his claim to pre-eminence on this noble science
of Grand Master of all masons. 1 Kings 7:13-37 The fame of his grand edifice
soon prompted the inquisitive of all Nations to travel &
spend some time at , & survey its exccellencies,
as far as was allowed to the gentiles, & they soon found that
the joint skills of all the world came infinitely short of
the Israelites in the wisdom, strength & beauty of their
architecture. when the wise King was Grand Masters
of all Masons at Jerusalem, when the learned King
was Grand Master at & the inspired—had been
master of the work; when true masonry was under the
care & direction of heaven & when the noble & wise
thought it an known to be associates of the ingenious
craftsman in them well fenced lodges; according to the
Temple of—became the just wonder of all
travelers on Earth. The pillars differ even in scripture
in regard to the size; they were nobly adorned with chapiters
&c, &c, and surmounted by two spherical Balls which
represented the two globes of the Earth & Heavens & pointed
out Masonry universal. They were thus placed
by the expert direction of King Solomon in refference
to the remarkable pillar of a cloud & of fire which
proved a light & guide to the Israelites in their miraculous