for truth is one of his attributes & the Holy Ghost deceiveth
no man and when a man becomes acquainted with the
whisperings of the Holy Ghost to hims which is revelation He should
be very careful to obey it for his life may depend upon it
revelation is one of the gifts of the Holy Ghost and for the benefit
of my young friends who may read this work I will give an
account of a few instances of my own experience in listening
to the revelations of the Holy Ghost to me in my missions
In after my returne to winter Quarters from our pioneer
journey, I was appointed by the priesidency of the Church to take my
family & go to Boston & gather up the remnant of the Latter
Day Saints & lead them to the vallis of the mountains while on
my East I drove my carriage into the yard of one of the Brethren
in Indiana & Br Orson Hyde set his waggon by the side
of mine not more than two feet apart I had Deminicus
Carter of provo my wife & four children were with me myself
wife & one child went to bed in the carriage the rest slept in the
home I had been to bed but a short time untill a voice said to me
get up & move your carriage it was not thunderlightning or an earthquake but the still small voice of the spirit of God the Holy Ghost [1 Kings 19:11-12]
I told my wife I must get up & move my carriage she asked what
for I told I did not know except the spirit told me to do it I got
up & moved my carriage several rods and set it by the side
for truth is one of his attributes & the Holy Ghost deceiveth
no man and when a man becomes acquainted with the
whisperings of the Holy Ghost to hims which is revelation He should
be very careful to obey it for his life may depend upon it
revelation is one of the gifts of the Holy Ghost and for the benefit
of my young friends who may read this work I will give an
account of a few instances of my own experience in listening
to the revelations of the Holy Ghost to me in my missions
In 1848 after my returne to winter Quarters from our pioneer
journey, I was appointed by the priesidency of the Church to take my
family & go to Boston & gather up the remnant of the Latter
Day Saints & lead them to the vallis of the mountains while on
my East I drove my carriage into the yard of one of the Brethren
in Indiana & Br Orson Hyde set his waggon by the side
of mine not more than two feet apart I had Deminicus
Carter of provo my wife & four children were with me myself
wife & one child went to bed in the carriage the rest slept in the
home I had been to bed but a short time untill a voice said to me
get up & move your carriage it was not thunderlightning or an
earthquake but the still small voice of the spirit of God the Holy Ghost
I told my wife I must get up & move my carriage she asked what
for I told I did not know except the spirit told me to do it I got
up & moved my carriage several rods and set it by the side
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"Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal Notes 3," p. 7, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 5, 2025,