generations have passed away.
Many thousands of millions have
passed into the spirit world. We
are now at the end of the sixth
thousand years. We are bordering
upon the millennium. We are living
in the great and last dispensation,
in the which the God of Israel ex-
pects us, his servants, his sons and
daughters, to perform the work
which has been left to our charge.
It is our duty to build these temples.
It is our duty to enter into them
and redeem our dead.
is preaching to the spirits in prison;
so are all the Elders who have died
in the faith. There are millions
of them there, and they must have
the Gospel offered to them. Joseph
Smith and others cannot baptize the
spirits in water, it is not the law;
but their posterity, their sons and
daughters who are living in the last
dispensation, are expected to go into
these temples and there . This is a good work,
and it is a great blessing for men and
women to have this privilege. We
have one of these temples finished,
and we are doing a great work in
that . A hundred and sixty-
two thousand persons have been
baptized for the dead, and nearly
seventy thousand endowments have
been given in that temple. We
have only just begun this work.
We want the finished,
as also the at , that
the people may go forth and redeem
their dead. Our forefathers are
looking to us to attend to this work.
They are watching over us with
great anxiety, and are desirous that
we should finish these temples and
attend to certain ordinances for
them, so that in the they can come forth
and enjoy the same blessings that
we enjoy. We are living in the
flesh and have the privilege of receiv-
ing the Gospel of Christ for our-
selves. Our forefathers had not
this privilege; and as their
posterity when we meet them in
the spirit world we shall have the
joy and satisfaction of knowing
that we did our duty by them while
here upon the earth. We occupy
a position in this capacity towards
them the same as we do to this
generation. We occupy the po-
sition of .
There are a great many things I
might mention that are of interest
to the Latter-day Saints. We should
humble ourselves before the Lord.
We have been called to set our
houses in order, that we should seek
to obtain the spirit of the Lord that
it may enable us to magnify our
callings in the Priesthood. We are
under great responsibility. It won't
pay to apostatize; "there is no money
in it." Any man who receives this
Priesthood and tastes of the word of
God, and of the powers of the world
to come—any man that turns away
from these things, apostatizes, and
turns away from the Church of
God, shall not, in accordance with
the revelations of the Lord to Joseph
Smith, "have forgiveness of sins in
this world nor in the world to
The Lord is laboring for his
kingdom. In his hands he holds the
destiny of this people and of this
generation, and if we will do our
duty he will sustain and uphold us
and Zion will not be moved out of
her place. I am anxious to see the
Latter-day Saints rise up and . We (the Twelve
Apostles, Seventies and others) are
called to go forth to preach the Gos-
pel to the Lamanites and organize
them. I am glad of it. I have felt
for a long time that we should turn
our attention to them. They are the
generations have passed away.
Many thousands of millions have
passed into the spirit world. We
are now at the end of the sixth
thousand years. We are bordering
upon the millennium. We are living
in the great and last dispensation,
in the which the God of Israel expects us, his servants, his sons and
daughters, to perform the work
which has been left to our charge.
It is our duty to build these temples.
It is our duty to enter into them
and redeem our dead.
is preaching to the spirits in prison;
so are all the Elders who have died
in the faith. There are millions
of them there, and they must have
the Gospel offered to them. Joseph
Smith and others cannot baptize the
spirits in water, it is not the law;
but their posterity, their sons and
daughters who are living in the last
dispensation, are expected to go into
these temples and there redeem
their dead. This is a good work,
and it is a great blessing for men and
women to have this privilege. We
have one of these temples finished,
and we are doing a great work in
that temple. A hundred and sixtytwo thousand persons have been
baptized for the dead, and nearly
seventy thousand endowments have
been given in that temple. We
have only just begun this work.
We want the finished,
as also the , that
the people may go forth and redeem
their dead. Our forefathers are
looking to us to attend to this work.
They are watching over us with
great anxiety, and are desirous that
we should finish these temples and
attend to certain ordinances for
them, so that in the morning of the
resurrection they can come forth
and enjoy the same blessings that
we enjoy. We are living in the
flesh and have the privilege of receiving the Gospel of Christ for ourselves. Our forefathers had not
this privilege; and as their
posterity when we meet them in
the spirit world we shall have the
joy and satisfaction of knowing
that we did our duty by them while
here upon the earth. We occupy
a position in this capacity towards
them the same as we do to this
generation. We occupy the position of Saviors upon Mount
There are a great many things I
might mention that are of interest
to the Ltter-day Saints. We should
humble ourselves before the Lord.
We have been called to set our
houses in order, that we should seek
to obtain the spirit of the Lord that
it may enable us to magnify our
callings in the Priesthood. We are
under great responsibility. It won't
pay to apostatize; "there is no money
in it." Any man who receives this
Priesthood and tastes of the word of
God, and of the powers of the world
to come--any man that turns away
from these things, apostatizes, and
turns away from the Church of
God, shall not, in accordance with
the revelations of the Lord to Joseph
Smith, "have forgiveness of sins in
this world nor in the world to
The Lord is laboring for his
kingdom. In his hands he holds the
destiny of this people and of this
generation, and if we will do our
duty he will sustain and uphold us
and Zion will not be moved out of
her place. I am anxious to see the
Latter-day Saints rise up and magnify their calling. We (the Twelve
Apostles, Seventies and others) are
called to go forth to preach the Gospel to the Lamanites and organize
them. I am glad of it. I have felt
for a long time that we should turn
our attention to them. They are the