Wilford Woodruff
Born March 1, 1807
Aged 90 years
Old this day
Emma Woodruff
Born March 1, 1838
Aged 59 years
Old this day
This is my 90 Birth day and my wife Emma 59 Birth
Day. We meet some 12,000 People in the Big Tabernacle who
have Met to celebrate our Birth Day which congregation is
composed of All partiessects & Denominations I deliver the first address to the Assembly, followed by G. Q. CannonL. Snow & others
I was almost covered up with flowers & roses. At the close of
the services myself & wife Emma took seats upon Elevated
chairs & shook Hands with the congregation as they passed us
some 8000 people of course our arms aked when we
got through but it was a great Day. All the papers published
our speeches and Liknesses it is vary remarkable how
my life has been preserved through so many years considering
what I have passed through in my day and Generation
I have to acknowledge the hand of God in the preservation
of my Life up to the present hour God Moves in a misterious way
~ Monday
March 1, 1897
[FIGURE] Wilford Woodruff
Born March 1, 1807
Aged 90 years
Old this day
[FIGURE] Emma Woodruff
Born March 1, 1838
Aged 59 years
Old this day
This is my 90 Birth day and my wife Emma 59 Birth
Day. We meet some 12,000 People in the Big Tabernacle who
have Met to celebrate our Birth Day which congregation is
composed of All partiessects & Denominations I deliver the first
address to the Assembly, followed by G. Q. CannonL. Snow & others
I was almost covered up with flowers & roses. At the close of
the services myself & wife Emma took seats upon Elevated
chairs & shook Hands with the congregation as they passed us
some 8000 people of course our arms aked when we
got through but it was a great Day. All the papers published
our speeches and Liknesses it is vary remarkable how
my life has been preserved through so many years considering
what I have passed through in my day and Generation
I have to acknowledge the hand of God in the preservation
of my Life up to the present hour God Moves in a misterious way
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