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Church History Library of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
Collection Name | Wilford Woodruff journals and papers, 1828-1898 |
Collection Description | The Deseret News was the first newspaper published in the Utah Territory: the weekly edition began June 15, 1850; the semi-weekly edition was added October 8, 1865; and the daily edition began November 21, 1867. |
Collection Number | MS 1352 |
Collection Page | 2-316 |
Source Link | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
Rights and Use | Copyright and Use Information |
Transcript | View Full Transcript |
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April 6 1893 I attended the Dedication of the Temple the spirit & Power of God rested upon us the spirit of Prophesy & Revelation was upon us & the Hearts of the People were Melted and many thing wer unfolded to us
On Sunday the 7 of May ^April 30^ when I lay at the point of Death and was breathing my Last No one thought I would Live. Thousands of the Saints were Praying for me and there Prayers were heard & Answered and the Lord saved my life for a little Longer
One vary stricking incident was worthy of record. I went through Jackson County with Harry Brown in 1834 on a Mission to the Southern states at that time we had to keep secreted so the people would not know that we were in the county as our lives would be sacrafized if they knew that two Mormon Mission- aries were in the County. Now the Mayor of the city of Independance comes & greets us with the warmest reception. How Great the contrast we give God the praise
The visit to us of Alexander Nichelson K. C. Knight commander of the Royal Household Portugal, Atache to the Imperial Russian Commission, Worlds Columbian Exposition This man is among the most Noted Dignitaries of the Russian Government. I gave him my likeness, & 2 volums of the History of Utah. we are begining to be visited by the great men of the whole Earth The revelations of God are being fulfilled concerning Zion
Glory to God in the Highest for He fulfills his word to the Sons of Men. What we have been looking for so Long came to Pass this day. The House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States P^assed^ a Bill for the Admission of Utah into the Union with Equal Powers of the other states with ownly five 5 opposing votes. I think it is an Event unheard of in the whole History of the American Government we trust it will soon Pass the Senate, and be signed by the President & soon become a Law
The greatest Event of 1893 was the Dedication of the Great Salt Lake Temple Wilford Woodruff Dedicated it first And attended the first 21 Meetings & through sickness was absent on the 15 & 16. The Power of God was Manifest in the dedication of this Temple & many things Revealed by the power of God to the Presidency of the Church Near 50 years ago while in the City of Boston I had a vision of going with the Saints to the Rocky Mountains Building a Temple And I dedicated iy two nights in succession before John Taylors Death president Young gave me the Kees of the Temple & told me to go and Dedicate it which I did
June 24, 1894 Sunday Night [FIGURES] At the close of the 20 speeches made President Wilford Woodruff arose and delivered the following Address. Brethren & Sisters As President of the Church I have many Duties to Perform As have these my councillers & the Apostles And I feel impressed to make a Declaration unto you at this time It is reppresented to us that there is about fourteen hundred Millions of Human beings upon the Earth at the Present time And while I am strongly impressed with the Principles of the Eternal truths of the Dealings of the Dealings of God with the inhabitants of the Earth in the Day and generation in which we live I wish to Ask this Assembly a question. What Protection have this vast body of Human being to Enable them to Escape those tremendious Judg- ments which GOD has proclaimed shall come to Pass and be poured out upon the wicked in the last days before the coming of the Son of Man? These Judgments are Recorded in the Bible the Revelations of St John, The Book of Mormon & Doctrins & Covenants. The men who made these Declarations were Prophets, Apostles, & inspird Men and spoke as they were moved upon by the Holy Ghost And their word^s^ were true. I again ask what Promise or Protection have those vast Millions to Escape those tremendious Judgements which have now commenced to visit the Earth. I will answer
W Woodruff Also Testified that the Prophet Joseph sealed upon the Heads of the Twelve Apostles All the Keys of the kingdom [of] God that God had sealed upon him And commanded them to bear off the Kingdom of God or they would be Damed
17 July 1894 President Cleveland signed the [FIGURES] Bill this day which gave Utah admission into the Union as a State Government This has been a hard struggle for years as it had seemed as though all Earth & Hell had been combined against the Latter Day Saints Having a State Government And now we have to Give God the Glory for our admission into the Union.
Gov Wells then gave his inaqural Address refered to the work of the Pioneers then refered to the Great Labor we had in Getting a State Governmet And it had now been accomplished after many years of Hard Labor And we felt to acknowledge the Hand of God in its ackowledgement and this was somthing that our Enemies had said we Never should accomplish. But Praise be to the Lord it is accomplished. Neither the Devil Nor wicked Men has had power to stop it I am thankful that I have lived to Behold Utah a State Government
May 14, 1896 ~ Thursday 14 I met the Twelve in the Temple I was quite sick I was Administered to by the Apostles & was instantly Healed from the hard pain in my side
God is visiting this Nation with Judgment He will Avenge the blood of the Prophets & Saints & fulfill the Testimony of the Prophets & Apostles upon this Nation
This same spirit said to me Not to grieve because of the Departure of Abram Hoagland Cannon for the Lord had called him to fill a vary important Mission in the spirit World. As a pure Holy Apostle from Zion in the Rocky Mountains A Labor which would not ownly prove a great blessing to his Fathers Household but to the Church and Kingdom of God on the Earth The spirit of God rested upon me at the close of this manifes^ti^tiation in a powerful manner and bore testimony to me of the truth of the Revelation to me concerning Abram H Cannon
W Woodruff spoke one hour {in the power of God} I took up the subject of the office of Administration of Angels & the office of the Holy Ghost I testified that the Lord did not send Angels to Men on Earth ownly for the purpose of Performing a work which Men could not do while Holy Ghost should be with Every Saint of God to reveal to him his duty hourerly
Feb 2728, 1897 ^Sunday^ This was one of the most important days of my life By Appointmet the sabbath school children of this stake of Zion assembled in the Tabernacle and there were thousands who could not get in as the galleries were occupied with many Adults there were some 10000 children in the building I was called upon to address them The scene perfectly overpowered me as the whole scene of my childhood & Early manhood and come upon me the prayers I had offered to the Lord to Let me live to see a prophet or Apostle to teach me the Gosple of Christ and here I stood in the Great Tabernacle in the Rocky Mountains filled with ten thousand children of the Prophets, Apostles & Saints
"Thus sayeth the Lord unto my servant Wilford Woodruff, I have heard thy prayer, and will answer thy petition. I will make known unto thee my will concerning the nations who en- cumber the land of promise, and also concerning Zion and her inhabitants. I have already revealed my will concerning the nation through the mouth of my servant Joseph, who sealed his testimony with his own blood, which testimony has been in force upon all the
Thus saith the Lord unto my servant John Taylor, and my servant Wilford Woodruff, and my servant Orson Pratt, and to all the residue of mine Apostles, Have you not gone forth in my name without purse or scrip and declared the Gospel of life and Salvation unto this nation and the nations of the earth, and warned them of the judg- ments which are to come, as you have been moved upon by the power of the Holy Ghost and the inspiration of the Lord? You have done this year by year for a whole generation, as men count time. Therefore, your garments are clean of the blood
These revelations and testimo- nies are before you. Let my saints search the word of the Lord, and treasure up wisdom, and be pre- pared for that which is to come. As I have decreed, so shall my judgments begin at the house of God. There are those in my church who have a name among you, who are adulterers and adult- eresses, and those who blaspheme my name, and those who love and make a lie, and those who revel and drink with the drunken. If they do not speedily repent of this wickedness and abomination, they should be severed from the ordinances of my house, saith the Lord. There are many who have need to repent, whose hearts are set upon the
Thus saith the Lord unto you, my servants and Apostles who dwell in the flesh. Fear ye not your enemies. Let not
The blood of my servants Joseph and Hyrum, and of mine apostles and elders, which has been shed for the word of God and the tes- timony of Jesus Christ, cries from the ground for vengeance up- on the nation which has shed their blood. But their blood shall speedily be avenged, and shall cease to cry unto me, for the hour of God's judgment is fully come and shall be poured out without measure upon the wicked. But hearken and hear, O ye Apostles, elders and people of my Church, to the word of the Lord concerning you, that for all the
Again, hear ye the word of the Lord, O ye mine apostles whom I have chosen in these last days to bear record of my