I looked over my Journals commencing with AD 1834 ending
with AD 1846 Making thirteen (13) years during which time
I have travled sixty one thousand six hundred & ninety two miles
crossed the Atlantic Ocean four times travled through England Scotland & Wales and on six Islands of the sea through (61.6.92)
twenty of the United States several times and the Canidas
Held one thousand sixty nine meetings. (1069) Held eighty six
(86) conferences. One hundred & twenty three councils (123)
Baptized six hundred & thirty four (634) persons And assisted
in the baptism of hundreds of others. was baptized for thirty
six Dead friends (36). Confirmed eight hundred & thirteen
(813). Ordained two pPatriarchs (2) Nine Bishops (9) Three
High Priest 3. Three Seventies 3. One hundred fifty six
Elders (156) One hundred forty two Priests (142) sixty three Teachers
(63) And thirteen Deacons. (13) I have Administered by anoi-
nting and laying on of hands unto three hundred and sixty
four sick persons (364) many of which were healed. I Blessed
(194) one hundred and ninety four children. I Married seven
couple (7) I planted fifty one churches (51) esstablished
seventy seven preaching places (77). Had ten mobs rise against
me 10. I recorded thirty of the Prophet Joseph's sermons
(30) And twenty five of the quorum of the Twelve Apostles (25)
I wrote one thousand and forty Letters (1040) Recieved six hundred
& ninety nine letters (699) I collected for the building of the
Temples of the Lord in kirtland & Nauvoo one thousand six
hundred seventy four dollars ($1674) Also five thousand dollars
for Assisting in the printing of the works of the Latter Day Saints
($5000) I procured two hundred & five subscribers for the
periodicals published by the Saints (205) I printed the
Times and Seasons And Neighbor in co with Elder Taylor two
years. I printed twenty five hundred copies of the Millenum
Star at Liverpool (2,500) And Published three thousand copies
of the Book of Doctrins & Covenants (3000) And secured the copy wright at Stationeres Hall London. I printed three
thousand Hymn Books (3000) and twenty thousand of
the Proclamation called the proclamation of the
Twelve Apostles. (20,000) During the Above period
I was ordained to the office of Teacher, Priest, Elder
member of the second quorum of Seventies the first quorm
of seventies And one of the Twelve Apostles Recieved
my Anointing sealing & endowments from under the
Hands of the Apostles Brigham Young & Heber C. Kimball
by order of Joseph the prophet
[4 lines blank]
I assisted the Twelve in ordaining about two hundred 200
Elders & seventies at one time in Nauvoo which was not
recorded in my Journal & not named in the above number
I looked over my Journals commencing with AD 1834 ending
with AD 1846 Making thirteen (13) years during which time
I have travled sixty one thousand six hundred & ninety two miles
crossed the Atlantic Ocean four times travled through EnglandScotland & Wales and on six Islands of the sea through (61.6.92)
twenty of the United States several times and the Canidas
Held one thousand sixty nine meetings. (1069) Held eighty six
(86) conferences. One hundred & twenty three councils (123)
Baptized six hundred & thirty four (634) persons and assisted
in the baptism of hundreds of others. was baptized for thirty
six Dead friends (36). Confirmed eight hundred & thirteen
(813). Ordained two Patriarchs (2) nine bishops (9) Three
High Priest 3. Three Seventies 3. One hundred fifty six
Elders (156) One hundred forty two Priests (142) sixty three Teachers
(63) and thirteen Deacons. (13) I have administered by anointing and laying on of hands unto three hundred and sixty
four sick persons (364) many of which were healed. I blessed
(194) one hundred and ninety four Children. . I Married seven
couple (7) I planted fifty one churches (51) esstablished
seventy seven preaching places (77). Had ten mobs rise against
me 10. I recorded thirty of the Prophet Joseph's sermons
(30) and twenty five of the quorum of the Twelve Apostles (25)
I wrote one thousand and forty Letters (1040). Recieved six hundred
& ninety nine letters (699) I collected for the building of the
Temples of the Lord in Kirtland & Nauvoo one thousand six
hundred seventy four dollars ($1674) also five thousand dollars
for assisting in the printing of the works of the Latter Day Saints
($5000) I procured two hundred & five subscribers for the
periodicals published by the Saints (205) I printed the
Times and Seasons And Neighbor in co with Elder Taylor two
years. I printed twenty five hundred copies of the Millennium
Star at Liverpool (2,500) and published three thousand copies
of the Book of Doctrins & Covenants (3000) and secured the
copy wright at Stationeres Hall London. I printed three
thousand hymn books (3000) and twenty thousand of
the Proclamation called the proclamation of the
Twelve Apostles. (20,000) During the above period
I was ordained to the office of Teacher, Priest, Elder
member of the second quorum of Seventies the first quorm
of seventies and one of the Twelve Apostles. Recieved
my anointing sealing & endowments from under the
hands of the Apostles Brigham Young & Heber C. Kimball
by order of Joseph the prophet
5 blank lines
I assisted the Twelve in ordaining about two hundred 200
Elders & seventies at one time in Nauvoo which was not
recorded in my Journal & not named in the above number
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," January 1, 1847, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 15, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/4xvg