your faith upon a true foundation that faith Has got to be tryed
All men have an oppertunity of appearing wise or foolish
of governing themselves or making their folley manifest Peter commit a gross error Had he have been on the watch
tower He might have turned away in silence & not denyed his
Lord. Many have been tryed & turned away from us
at a time when they exepected to have gained sumthing by &
in doing so they have lost all. Others have been Blinded &
overcome & done evil then their eyes were open to see the conseq-
uences. But it is the privilege of all men to live so that they
can see what each act will amount to either good or evil. How
different the prospect would be before the world or this people if
they would live so from what it now is. I endeavour to do right
in all things & then leave the event in the Hands of God & am satisfy
with the result. If a man is led or tempted to do a thing that you do
not comprehend the result of & that result ^not^ lead to good then let it
During the past week one remarked to me that my observat-
ions last sunday ought to be observed & was good But it ought to have
been spoken in the right spirit. But I wish to say that I am
satisfyed with the power & influence the Lord has given me. The Lord
directs things according to his own will. I know my feelings & zeal
would make my words like a sharp two edged sword so that they
would seperate the sins from this people that they should practice
sin no more not be tempeted with it But this is not the will
of God the people still must have their warfare & trial & if the
storms & waves overwhelm the ship still all is well for we have
a good captain at the helm. Some people are vary anxious
to reprove others while they are wrong themselves And do not know
the spirit they are of theiry are ready to say How do you
do Peter & Judas, Jesus, & How do you do Mr Devil And are
vary pious but will go to Hell with their spirit & the whole
world will go to Hell with the same spirit. Awake ye Elders
of Israel & make your calling & election sure [2 Peter 1:10] lest you go to
Hell with the wicked. I do not point you to the sectarian
Hell whare Devils are tosting you with A pitchfork in the
Billows of Hell fire eternally. But go & mingle with the wicked
in the states wrangle & fight with them get their spirit
& feelings & loose the light & spirit of God & you will begin
to feel the true state of the Damned. The wicked killed
Jesus Christ out of mallace & wickedness & they did not
know that His death was to save the world the Lord turns
many things for good which the world means for Evil the
whole Earth is filled with misery, sin & wickedness. I
could find no worse Hell than to be confined among them
I labour for the welfare of this whole people I wish my
Brethren to be A Happy free people that their course of
life may be such as to get an eternal & temperal salvation
I labour to effect this. their is time & change to all things
Their has been a code of Laws given in former days
which was for all people which is the gospel of Jesus Christ
In the dasyys of Christ the Apostles & Elders were sent out
to preach the gospel & warn the people they did so but were
then martered for preaching it & the Saints were killed off
the Earth. that time is gone the change has come, for now
your faith upon a true foundation that faith has got to be tryed
All men have an oppertunity of appearing wise or foolish
of governing themselves or making their folley manifest
Peter commit a gross error had he have been on the watch
tower he might have turned away in silence & not denyed his
Lord. Many have been tryed & turned away from us
at a time when they expected to have gained sumthing by &
in doing so they have lost all. Others have been blinded &
overcome & done evil then their eyes were open to see the consequences. But it is the privilege of all men to live so that they
can see what each act will amount to either good or evil How
different the prospect would be before the world or this people if
they would live so from what it now is. I endeavour to do right
in all things & then leave the event in the hands of God & am satisfy
with the result. If a man is led or tempted to do a thing that you do
not comprehend the result of & that result not lead to good then let it
During the past week one remarked to me that my observations last sunday ought to be observed & was good but it ought to have
been spoken in the right spirit. But I wish to say that I am
satisfyed with the power & influence the Lord has given me. The Lord
directs things according to his own will, I know my feelings & zeal
would make my words like a sharp two edged sword so that they
would seperate the sins from this people that they should practice
sin no more not be tempted with it but this is not the will
of God the people still must have their warfare & trial & if the
storms & waves overwhelm the ship still all is well for we have
a good captain at the helm. Some people are vary anxious
to reprove others while they are wrong themselves and do not know
the spirit they are of they are ready to say How do you
do Peter & Judas Jesus, & How do you do Mr Devil And are
vary pious but will go to Hell with their spirit & the whole
world will go to Hell with the same spirit Awake ye Elders
of Israel & make your calling & election sure lest you go to
Hell with the wicked, I do not point you to the sectarian
Hell whare Devils are tosting you with a pitchfork in the
billows of Hell fire eternally. But go & mingle with the wicked
in the states wrangle & fight with them get their spirit
& feelings & loose the light & spirit of God & you will begin
to feel the true state of the Damned. The wicked killed
Jesus Christ out of mallace & wickedness & they did not
know that His death was to save the world the Lord turns
many things for good which the world means for Evil the
whole Earth is filled with misery, sin & wickedness I
could find no worse Hell than to be confined among them
I labour for the welfare of this whole people I wish my
Brethren to be a happy free people that their course of
life may be such as to get an Eternal & temperal salvation
I labour to effect this, their is time & change to all things
Their has been a code of Laws given in former days
which was for all people which is the gospel of Jesus Christ
In the days of Christ the Apostles & Elders were sent out
to preach the gospel & warn the people they did so but were
then martered for preaching it & the saints were killed off
the Earth, that time is gone the change has come, for now
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," June 1, 1851, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 4, 2025,