in the chase so we gave up the Persuit I returned to Br Brown
in the Bluffs & fountd that one of the Bulls He dhad given chase to
was near dead had lain deaddown But Br Brown Had no more
Powder or Ball But Before I arived He Had got up & run
into the Herd on the Bluff, so we all returned on our chase
ground to gather up the meat, we had killed in all 3 cows one
Bull & 5 calves making 11 in all. Br Solomon Hancock went
out in the morning on to the Bluffs to kill Buffalo on foot
He did not come in at night we felt concerned about him
early in the morning He came in, Had killed a 3 year old cow
& watched it over night to keep the volves from eating it
3 wolves came upon him He shot one the rest run
away this made 12 Buffalo in all that the Hunters
killed to day which we considerd was doing vary well
considering that we were nearly all strangers to that mode
of Hunting as but vary few of us ever saw a wild
Buffalo Before in our lives we dressed out meat & waggons
came from camp to take it in. A Part of this chase was
through one of the largest Prairie dog towns nearly ever
seen it was nearly ten miles long & 2 wide & full of
Burrows nearly evry rod & great danger of a Horse steping
into them & falling, there was no accident Happened
at all to any one which was truly a blessing my Horse stumbl[ed] [page covered]
on[c]e & come nigh falling but no harm done this was
the first Buffalo Hunt I ever took part in or saw
we travled to day with the camp 18 miles
we discovered Indian fires on the south & west of us
~ Sunday
2nd Suunday All were Busy cooking & saving there meat
in the Afternoon we moved up 3 miles for Better feed &
camped by the side of a large slew of water our camping
place last night & this morning was at the Head of Grand Island
Professor Pratt took an observation for the Lattitude & found
it to be 40° 41' 42" this agrees with Freemonts observation
within 2 miles & his was on the south side of the river which
was 2 miles south of our camping place we came through another
large dog town to day. soon After we camped A herd of
Buffalo came from the Bluffs to the river to drink
within about 2 miles of us & then returned to the Bluffs
some were Anxious to go after them, but as it was
Sunday Br Young thought it best to let them be
untill tomorrow the Indians set fire to the Prairie
before us which burnt rapedly over a large region of
country Brs Young Kimball & several others went
several miles in the evening on our road to examine
the fire & other things distance 3 miles
~ Monday
3rd The Hunters were called together in the morning
20 in number to go into the Bluffs for a still Hunt for Bluffs Buffalo & other game we started out with
two waggons to Bring in the game I had taken a
severe cold & setled in my side whare I was Hurt
last fall & it made me sick & I was not able
to go out yet I started with the company as I
was among the Hunters I Had Jar[r]ed myself
in the chase so we gave up the persuit I returned to Br Brown
in the bluffs & found that one of the bulls he had given chase to
was near dead had lain down but Br Brown had no more
Powder or Ball but before I arived he had got up & run
into the herd on the bluff, so we all returned on our chase
ground to gather up the meat, we had killed in all 3 cows one
bull & 5 calves making 11 in all. Br Solomon Hancock went
out in the morning on to the bluffs to kill buffalo on foot
He did not come in at night we felt concerned about him
early in the morning he came in, had killed a 3 year old cow
& watched it over night to keep the volves from eating it
3 wolves came upon him he shot one the rest run
away this made 12 buffalo in all that the hunters
killed to day which we considered was doing vary well
considering that we were nearly all strangers to that mode
of hunting as but vary few of us ever saw a wild
buffalo before in our lives we dressed out meat & waggons
came from camp to take it in. A part of this chase was
through one of the largest Prairie dog towns nearly ever
seen it was nearly ten miles long & 2 wide & full of
burrows nearly evry rod & great danger of a horse steping
into them & falling, there was no accident happened
at all to any one which was truly a blessing my horse stumbled
once & come nigh falling but no harm done this was
the first buffalo hunt I ever took part in or saw
we travled to day with the camp 18 miles
we discovered Indian fires on the south & west of us
~ Sunday
2nd Suunday All were busy cooking & saving there meat
in the afternoon we moved up 3 miles for better feed &
camped by the side of a large slew of water our camping
place last night & this morning was at the head of Grand Island
Professor Pratt took an observation for the Lattitude & found
it to be 40° 41' 42" this agrees with Freemonts obervation
within 2 miles & his was on the south side of the river which
was 2 miles south of our camping place we came through another
large dog town to day, soon after we camped a herd of
buffalo came from the bluffs to the river to drink
within about 2 miles of us & then returned to the bluffs
some were anxious to go after them, but as it was
Sunday Br Young thought it best to let them be
untill tomorrow the Indians set fire to the Prairie
before us which burnt rapedly over a large region of
country Brs Young Kimball & several others went
several miles in the evening on our road to examine
the fire & other things. distance 3 miles
~ Monday
3rd The hunters were called together in the morning
20 in number to go into the bluffs for a still hunt for
buffalo & other game we started out with
two waggons to bring in the game I had taken a
severe cold & setled in my side whare I was hurt
last fall & it made me sick & I was not able
to go out yet I started with the company as I
was among the hunters I had Jarred myself
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," May 1, 1847 - May 3, 1847, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 30, 2025,