President Orson Hoyde moved that Wilford Woodruff
be the clerk & historian of the Twelve Apostles carried unan-
P P Pratt proposed a new record & wished that the Nar
ative of each of the quorum of the Twelve be first recorded
in it begining with the president of the quorum & going through
in rotation with each member as He stands in the quorum
W Woodruff says he is willing to serve the quorum as Historian
as faithfully as He can, although it will be a heavy tax upon
his time
E Snow enquires if this history contemplated is confined to the
present quorum or of the members from the begin[in]g P. P. Prat
thinks it should include the present quorum merely E Snow
would like to see included all that could be found of D W.
Patten. C. C. Rich said He herd Brother Patten say the
morning that He was martered that the Kingdom of God shall
be delive[re]d or he should lay down his life. P P Pratt wished
Brother Woodruff to leave all temporal business as much as
possible & bring this history up. A Lyman says their is no
date of his ordination. O Hyde proposed for the Twelve to me[e]t
with the Presidency & also to meet each week for mutual
exchange of thought
Adjourned to meet one week from to night at this place
~ Thursday to ~ Saturday
Dec 23, , 25 I spent the time in the Legislature on Christmas the
25 I Attended the dedication of the school House in the 14 ward
31 I wrote a letter to I F Carter & sent him an account of
the money I had sent him it went via Calafornia
The quorum of the Twelve met on the 29th Dec & spent the
evening in conversation abot laying some plan to liberat[e]
ourselves & familyies so we can be foot loose & go & preach
the gospel & leave a support for ourselves & families speches
were made by all the quorum present upon the subject
On the next sunday Jan 2nd 1853 President Brigham Young
& H. C. Kimbal met with the quorum of the Twelve & the
same subject was brought up & talked over & President
Young said the best way for the Twelve to get a living for
themselves & familis was to preach the gospel with all
their might & your means will come in your way T. B
Marsh once said He did not know what Joseph called the
Twelve for without it was to abuse them I told him if the
Twelve were faithful they would soon see the day that they
would have all the influence they could wield that day has come
He said laying plans in our present situation for perpetuity
was all a shadow we may lay plans but they may be frustrated
On the last day of Dec 1852 I looked over my Jounal &
recorded on the following page the result of my labour &c
to have his plough sharpened
President Orson Hyde moved that Wilford Woodruff
be the clerk & historian of the Twelve Apostles carried unanimously
P P Pratt proposed a new Record & wished that the Nar
ative of each of the quorum of the Twelve be first recorded
in it begining with the president of the quorum & going through
in rotation with each member as he stands in the quorum
W Woodruff says he is willing to serve the quorum as Historian
as faithfully as he can. although it will be a heavy tax upon
his time
E Snow enquires if this history contemplated is confined to the
present quorum or of the members from the begining P. P. Prat
thinks it should include the present quorum merely E Snow
would like to see included all that could be found of D W.
Patten. C. C. Rich said he heard Brother Patten say the
morning that he was martered that the Kingdom of God shall
be delivered or he should lay down his life. P P Pratt wished
Brother Woodruff to leave all temporal business as much as
possible & bring this history up. A Lyman says their is no
date of his ordination. O Hyde proposed for the Twelve to meet
with the Presidency & also to meet each week for mutual
exchange of thought
Adjourned to meet one week from to night at this place
~ Thursday to ~ Saturday
Dec 23, 24, 25 I spent the time in the Legislature on Christmas the
25 I attended the dedication of the school House in the 14 ward
~ Sunday
26th Sunday I spent the time at home writing
~ Monday to ~ Thursday
27, 28, 29, 30, I spent the time in the Legislature
~ Friday
31 [FIGURE] I wrote a letter to I F Carter & sent him an account of
the money I had sent him it went via Calafornia
The quorum of the Twelve met on the 29th Dec & spent the
evening in conversation abot laying some plan to liberate
ourselves & families so we can be foot loose & go & preach
the gospel & leave a support for ourselves & families speches
were made by all the quorum present upon the subject
On the next sunday Jan 2nd 1853 President Brigham Young
& H. C. Kimbal met with the quorum of the Twelve & the
same subject was brought up & talked over & President
Young said the best way for the Twelve to get a living for
themselves & familis was to preach the gospel with all
their might & your means will come in your way T. B
Marsh once said he did not know what Joseph called the
Twelve for without it was to abuse them I told him if the
Twelve were faithful they would soon see the day that they
would have all the influence they could wield that day has come
He said laying plans in our present situation for perpetuity
was all a shadow we may lay plans but they may be frustrated
On the last day of Dec 1852 I looked over my Jounal &
recorded on the following page the result of my labour &c
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," December 22, 1852 - December 31, 1852, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 28, 2025,