continued. He said He did not know how far & minute we ought
to be in writing a Journal but thinks we ought to record our
official acts & considers it for our interest as well as duty thus to
E. T. Benson said that President Richards wished him
to requst the young members of this quorum to hand to him
a short statement of their lives & ministry the time they recvd
the gospel &c to go into the Church History
G. A. Smith W. Woodruff & P P Pratt interchanged a few words
upon the subject of Journal keeping &c
F. D. Richards next spoke & said He felt Highly to participate
in the common Joy of the evening & felt it was an omin of the
times, an eventful epok in the last dispensation to us & the world.
I feel behind most of the quorum in not having the privilege of so
much counsel & teaching from Brother Joseph as they. when I
contemplate the future I feel that the field of our labour was equal
to the Noblest amibition which man could entertain both in this world
& in the next felt his Joy tempered in the recollection
O. Hyde said while I have been listening I have had an unusual
train of reflection of necessity we shall soon be called again to
separate & the Kingdoms of this world must become the Kingdoms of
our Lord & his Christ. We are trained in the school of experience
I may live to see you all in different parts of the earth & while the kingdoms
of the earth are falling you will in many instances be enabled to stick
out your hands & give counsel & save many people & be enabled to
rule governments & thus fulfilll the prophesies, & many of thes
things are not afar off. All is eternity to us whether this or
the other side of the veil. we are born in eternity, & let us be
whare we will, it will be our calling to win souls to Christ
The Presidency are unwell or they would be here. I wish the
Journals of the Twelve to be written up so they can be on hand
when Needed to be published I wish each one of the quorum wold
write as good an epistle as they are capable of & have then put
in book form & send them forth unto the world
P P. Pratt Thingks the subject is abounding in us & we owe
the world a testimony not as individuals but as a quorum
of the Twelve Apostles & suggest that each contributes & write
an epistle & form the whole & compile & embody a Book to
go forth with the signatures of all the quorum as the combined
History of all the ^12^ Apostles
G. A. Smith thinks it vary important that an Authentic
History of each member should be preserved
W. Woodruff made mention of certain items which He consid[ered]
necessary in the preservation of our History He lamented that David W. Patten had not left any record of his life for He
was a prophet & an Apostle & a mighty man. many miracles
were wrought by him in his ministry. He told a rich man
in Tennessee who fought the work of God that He & his family
should beg their bread Robert C. Petty saw that same man
cry at a blacksmith shop because he could not get trusted
continued. He said he did not know how far & minute we ought
to be in writing a Journal but thinks we ought to record our
official acts & considers it for our interest as well as duty thus to
E. T. Benson said that President Richards wished him
to requst the young members of this quorum to hand to him
a short statement of their lives & ministry the time they recvd
the gospel &c to go into the Church History
G. A. Smith W. Woodruff & P P Pratt interchanged a few words
upon the subject of Journal keeping &c
F. D. Richards next spoke & said he felt highly to participate
in the common Joy of the evening & felt it was an omin of the
times, an eventful epok in the last dispensation to us & the world.
I feel behind most of the quorum in not having the privilege of so
much counsel & teaching from Brother Joseph as they. when I
contemplate the future I feel that the field of our labour was equal
to the Noblest amibition which man could entertain both in this world
& in the next felt his Joy tempered in the recollection
O. Hyde said while I have been listening I have had an unusual
train of reflection of necessity we shall soon be called again to
separate & the Kingdoms of this world must become the Kingdoms of
our Lord & his Christ. we are trained in the school of experience
I may live to see you all in different parts of the Earth & while the Kingdoms
of the Earth are falling you will in many instances be enabled to stretc
out your hands & give counsel & save many people & be enabled to
rule governments & thus fulfilll the prophesies, & many of thes
things are not afar off. All is Eternity to us whether this or
the other side of the veil. we are born in Eternity, & let us be
whare we will, it will be our calling to win souls to Christ
The Presidency are unwell or they would be here. I wish the
Journals of the Twelve to be written up so they can be on hand
when Needed to be published I wish each one of the quorum wold
write as good an Epistle as they are capable of & have then put
in book form & send them forth unto the world
P P. Pratt Thinks the subject is abounding in us & we owe
the world a testimony not as individuals but as a quorum
of the Twelve Apostles & suggest that each contributes & write
an Epistle & form the whole & compile & embody a Book to
go forth with the signatures of all the quorum as the combined
History of all the 12 Apostles
G. A. Smith thinks it vary important that an Authentic
History of each member should be preserved
W. Woodruff made mention of certain items which he considered
necessary in the preservation of our History He lamented that
David W. Patten had not left any record of his life for he
was a prophet & an Apostle & a mighty man. many miracles
were wrought by him in his ministry. He told a rich man
in Tennessee who fought the work of God that he & his family
should beg their bread Robert. C. Petty saw that same man
cry at a blacksmith shop because he could not get trusted
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," December 22, 1852, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 29, 2025,