to make a fire of we are now in a place whare we are
proving ourselves & if we are not faithful we shall come under
condemnation. I rode out to day with Brothers Young Kimball, BensonRockwell & Stephens 4 miles over the Bluffs
to pick out a road for the camp to go across to get again on
the bottoms we found a road through & returned to the
camp I picked up A young Hare which Br Young took in to
camp. we saw Herds of Buffalo while coming in. Br Glines went out Hunting & shot An Antelope & one Buffalo
though it was against the rules of the camp & council of
his captain to go Hunting on Sunday. we had a good
meeting in the Afternoon BrI opened meeting by Prayer
Brs RichardsMarkhamRockwood & Kimball spoke
& the laws of the camp were read & a good spirit preva[iled] [page covered]
the channel of the teaching was to Harken to council & sustain
the Heads of the Church & go & do what was said unto us
& it would prove A Blessing unto us 8 mi[les]
~ Monday
17th It is much more warm & plesant to day than usual our roa[d] [page covered]
hads been hard to day we came 2 1/2 miles through sandy bluffs, we
again struck the bottom 4 1/2 miles from our camping place but
the bottom was much softer than usual & many slues to cross
we crossed about one dozen streams to day of vary clear water
that come from springs in the Bluff from 1 to 10 feet across
them which run almost on the top of the ground without
any bank at all, with hard sand or gravel bottom, the water
however was not as cold as spring water generally is. the
Hunters brought in 3 Buffalo & it detained the camp some to
get them in, President Young was not pleased with it as
we had so much meet in camp already & they went out
without council. we saw vary large droves of deer to day in
the bottoms the most we have ever seen any day on the road
A young Fawn was picked up & brought into camp & kept
we travled in all to day 12 3/4 miles
I led the camp mostly through the Bluffs in the morning before
Before Brothers Young & Kimball came up we rode together
all day picking our roads
~ Tuesday
18th The camp was called together &or the captains of companies
& President Young sharply reproved, the Hunters for shooting
so much meet when it was not needed & detaining the
camp or for taking life any more than could be helped And
Also the horsman for their indiferance in picking out the
road He said there was but two that had rode thant manife[ste]d
any interest in helping him get the camp along. He
spoke vary sharply upon the indiferance of men, & they
rejected the meet when it was brought into camp &c
the camp started out after the meet was disposed of
& the Hunters or Horsman went forward to pick out the
road instead of going Hunting I did not hear a gun fired
on the road during the day Amasa Lyman was one called
by name & reproved for not paying any attention to seeking
out the road, but he was with us to day in that business
we rode 6 miles & cnooned we rode in the afternoon
9 3/4 miles & camped for the night distance of the day 15 3/4 m
to make a fire of we are now in a place whare we are
proving ourselves & if we are not faithful we shall come under
condemnation. I rode out to day with Brothers YoungKimball, BensonRockwell & Stephens 4 miles over the bluffs
to pick out a road for the camp to go across to get again on
the bottoms we found a road through & returned to the
camp I picked up a young hare which Br Young took in to
camp, we saw herds of buffalo while coming in. Br
Glines went out hunting & shot an antelope & one buffalo
though it was against the rules of the camp & council of
his captain to go hunting on Sunday. we had a good
meeting in the afternoon I opened meeting by Prayer
Brs RichardsMarkhamRockwood & Kimball spoke
& the laws of the camp were read & a good spirit prevailed
the channel of the teaching was to harken to council & sustain
the Heads of the Church & go & do what was said unto us
& it would prove a blessing unto us 8 mi
~ Monday
17th It is much more warm & plesant to day than usual our road
has been hard to day we came 2 1/2 miles through sandy bluffs, we
again struck the bottom 4 1/2 miles from our camping place but
the bottom was much softer than usual & many slues to cross
we crossed about one dozen streams to day of vary clear water
that come from springs in the bluff from 1 to 10 feet across
them which run almost on the top of the ground without
any bank at all, with hard sand or gravel bottom, the water
however was not as cold as spring water generally is, the
hunters brought in 3 buffalo & it detained the camp some to
get them in, President Young was not pleased with it as
we had so much meet in camp already & they went out
without council. we saw vary large droves of deer to day in
the bottoms the most we have ever seen any day on the road
A young Fawn was picked up & brought into camp & kept
we travled in all to day 12 3/4 miles
I led the camp mostly through the bluffs in the morning before
Before Brothers Young & Kimball came up we rode together
all day picking our roads
~ Tuesday
18th The camp was called together or the captains of companies
& President Young sharply reproved, the hunters for shooting
so much meet when it was not needed & detaining the
camp or for taking life any more than could be helepd and
also the horsman for their indiferance in picking out the
road he said there was but two that had rode that manifested
any interest in helping him get the camp along. He
spoke vary sharply upon the indiferance of men, & they
rejected the meet when it was brought into camp &c
the camp started out after the meet was disposed of
& the hunters or horsman went forward to pick out the
road instead of going hunting I did not hear a gun fired
on the road during the day Amasa Lyman was one called
by name & reproved for not paying any attention to seeking
out the road, but he was with us to day in that business
we rode 6 miles &nooned we rode in the afternoon
9 3/4 miles & camped for the night distance of the day 15 3/4 m
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," May 16, 1847 - May 18, 1847, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 6, 2025,