14th I went out early in the morning to Hunt some
Buffalo I cashed myself in the bank & a large Herd
came along, but their old Bulls was out as a rear &
front guard & there was none of their young cattle
near enough for me to shooht so they past by I saw
some more coming I way laid them they proved to
be 7 Bulls I fired at the youngest one while [he] passed by
but missed him. I then returned to camp took
breakfast had a hard shower of rain & some words
with Br Fowler & started out again Hunting Br Higby
soon Killed an Antelope that was put on board
of a boat called the revenue cutter Phineas Young
& myself went out together waited for Buffalo &
Antilope I finally got lost among the Bluff, but
found my way out again Br Phineas shot
an Buck Antilope & I carried him into camp
there was 3 Antilope & one Buffalo Bull killed. some of the
Hunters thought they herd Indian guns on the opposit side of the river during the night An Indian cralled up to a pair of mules
that was tied togeth & made a grab to ketch theym the^y^ sprung & got
away from him one of the guards shot at him & he run all Horses
were then brought into the circle & the cannon prepared for firing
but seeing no more it was not fired travled 8 miles
~ Saturday
15th A vary cold North wind & rain we however travled
about 3 miles & camped in the best grass we had found on
the road, most of our road this morning was over & through the
bluffs as they come again bold to the river. A large number of
Barefoot tracks was seen this morning under the bluff on the
bank of the river, supposed to be the Indians that came down
last night to steal our Horses. the rain stoped in the afternoon
& we drove 5 miles & camped on the Prairie distance 8 miles
we saw the Bluffs dotted over with Buffalo I went out with
some others to hunt them I could not get within about 30
rods of them I shot at the neck of one & the ball went into his
sholdier which crippled him but He Hobbled away with
the Herd & I did not get him But there were A number
of Hunters among the Herds & one of them killed A fat
Buffalo which was brought into camp. the Bluffs again come
down to the river A short distance before us
~ Sunday
[page covered] [1]6th Sunday still cloudy & cool wind. I did not feel vary
well this morning And did not rise untill 7 oclok which was
two hours after the time when I got out of my carriage
I found all five of my horses standing at the stakes while
all the other Horses of the encampment had been feeding
two hours. It was Br John Fowlers Business to let them
out but He did not get up untill half an hour after I
did. He Is destitute of the spirit or principle that a faithf-
ul man or servant should possess And it makes it
much harder upon me in the care of the teams &
business than it would if I had a true & faithful man
with me Br Burnham does our cooking which
keeps him vary busy & He has the hardest time of it
as much of the time He has nothing but Buffalo dung
~ Friday
14th I went out early in the morning to hunt some
buffalo I cashed myself in the bank & a large herd
came along, but their old bulls was out as a rear &
front guard & there was none of their young cattle
near enough for me to shoot so they past by I saw
some more coming I way laid them they proved to
be 7 bulls I fired at the youngest one while he passed by
but missed him I then returned to camp took
breakfast had a hard shower of rain & some words
with Br Fowler & started out again hunting Br Higby
soon Killed an antelope that was put on board
of a boat called the revenue cutter Phineas Young
& myself went out together waited for buffalo &
antilope I finally got lost among the bluff, but
found my way out again Br Phineas shot
an buck antilope & I carried him into camp
there was 3 antilope & one buffalo bull killed. some of the
hunters thought they herd Indian guns on the opposit side of the
river during the night an Indian cralled up to a pair of mules
that was tied together & made a grab to ketch them they sprung & got
away from him one of the guards shot at him & he run all horses
were then brought into the circle & the cannon prepared for firing
but seeing no more it was not fired travled 8 miles
~ Saturday
15th A vary cold North wind & rain we however travled
about 3 miles & camped in the best grass we had found on
the road, most of our road this morning was over & through the
bluffs as they come again bold to the river a large number of
barefoot tracks was seen this morning under the bluff on the
bank of the river, supposed to be the Indians that came down
last night to steal our horses, the rain stoped in the afternoon
& we drove 5 miles & camped on the prairie. distance 8 miles
we saw the bluffs dotted over with buffalo I went out with
some others to hunt them I could not get within about 30
rods of them I shot at the neck of one & the ball went into his
sholdier which crippled him but he hobbled away with
the herd & I did not get him but there were a number
of hunters among the herds & one of them killed a fat
buffalo which was brought into camp. the bluffs again come
down to the river a short distance before us
~ Sunday
16th Sunday still cloudy & cool wind. I did not feel vary
well this morning and did not rise untill 7 oclok which was
two hours after the time when I got out of my carriage
I found all five of my horses standing at the stakes while
all the other horses of the encampment had been feeding
two hours. It was Br John Fowlers business to let them
out but he did not get up untill half an hour after I
did. He Is destitute of the spirit or principle that a faithful man or servant should possess and it makes it
much harder upon me in the care of the teams &
business than it would if I had a true & faithful man
with me Br Burnham does our cooking which
keeps him vary busy & he has the hardest time of it
as much of the time he has nothing but buffalo dung
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"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," May 14, 1847 - May 16, 1847, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 6, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/v2p8