in this way untill He could read and repeat a whole Newspaper
Advertisements & all
~ Thursday
289 I walked up to Br. ^Thomas^ MahnoheysFair Hill Cissel Co Maryland back
to Fellens rode to Brother Stagemans Preached to the people rode
to Fellens & spent the night 8 miles
~ Friday
30th I took cars rode to Wilmington Del & spent the evening with
A few friends in conversation spent the night with Joseph
A Hall 27th Eigth street Wilmington Del P. E. 10 m[iles] 12 m
~ Saturday
Dec 1st I took cars rode to Philedelphia spent the night at J Gibsons I recieved 3 letters 2 from Mrs Woodruff & one
from Dr Bernhisel containing a Ticket to visit Giralrd College
I called upon Col Kane & saw A sleigh robe presented to him by
Dr Bernhisel as A present from President Young it contained
7 wolf skins & 10 Fox skins got up with great taste & splendor
it was worth $40. I wrote A letter to Mrs Woodruff
~ Sunday
2nd I Preached 3 times to the Church in Philedelphia & the
spirit of God rested upon me And I taught the Saints in plain
terms I laboured hard. we had A hard snow storm during
the day & night
~ Monday
3rd It still storms the papers are full of murders from all parts
of the country And Congress is A political hot bed of corruption
And there is danger of its exploding the union I went out
in the rain & visited Jerard College
Jerard College is one of the most splen-
did buildings I ever visited
The general design of the building is that
of A Greek Temple having eight columns
on each end and eleven on each side (counting the cornor columns
both ways) making in all thirty four colums. the columns are 6
feet in diameter 55 feet in higth the bases are 9 feet 3 inch in diame-
ter & 3 feet 2 inch high & the capitals 8 feet 6 inch high, 9 feet 4 inch
wide on the face of the abacus. each shaft is channelled in 24
semicircular flutes. The nett amount of marble in each column
including the base and capital is 1346 cubic feet the weight
103 tons & the cost $12,994. Total cost of the 34 colums
$51976. The exterior of the cella or body of the building measures
111 feet wide 169 feet long & 59 feet 8 inches high. The whole of the
exterior of the building is composed of marble of A variy superior
quality. evry block of marble in the building is set on peaces of
milled lead. The roof is composed of marble tiles 4 1/2 feet long 4 feet
wide 2 3/4 inch thick each tile is 776 lbs. & each saddle 214 lbs. the whole
Number of the tiles in the roof being 2046 and of saddles 2061
the aggragate wait of the tiles & saddles is 906 tons marble chim
ney tops and the cast Iron sky lights Also weigh 20 tons And
the lead & masonery of the gutters 43 1/2 tons making the entire weig
ht of the roof 969 1/2 tons. The building is three stories in high
[t]h the first & second stories are 25 feet from floor to floor & the
third 30 feet in the clear each story is divided as directed by
[t]he will into four rooms 50 feet square in the clear. The outside
walls are 4 feet in thickness the inside 3 feet. Each arch including
[i]ts abutments contains 117,000 brick which together with the marble
in this way untill He could read and repeat a whole Newspaper
Advertisements & all
~ Thursday
29 I walked up to Br. Thomas ManoheysFair Hill Cissel Co Maryland back
to Fellens rode to Brother Stagemans Preached to the people rode
to Fellens & spent the night 8 miles
~ Friday
30th I took cars rode to wilmington Del & spent the evening with
A few friends in conversation spent the night with Joseph
A Hall 27th Eight street Wilmington Del P. E. 10 m 12 m
~ Saturday
Dec 1st I took cars rode to Philadelphia spent the night at
J Gibsons I recieved 3 letters 2 from Mrs Woodruff & one
from Dr Bernhisel containing a ticket to visit Girard College
I called upon Col Kane & saw A sleigh robe presented to him by
Dr Bernhisel as A present from President Young it contained
7 wolf skins & 10 Fox skins got up with great taste & splendor
it was worth $40. I wrote A letter to Mrs Woodruff
~ Sunday
2nd I Preached 3 times to the Church in Philadelphia & the
spirit of God rested upon me And I taught the saints in plain
terms I laboured hard, we had a hard snow storm during
the day & night
~ Monday
3rd It still storms the papers are full of murders from all parts
of the country And Congress is A political hot bed of corruption
And there is danger of its exploding the union I went out
in the rain & visited Jerard College
[FIGURE] Jerard College is one of the most splendid buildings I ever visited
The general design of the building is that
of A Greek Temple having eight columns
on each end and Eleven on each side (counting the cornor columns
both ways) making in all thirty four colums. the columns are 6
feet in diameter 55 feet in higth the bases are 9 feet 3 inch in diameter & 3 feet 2 inch high & the Capitals 8 feet 6 inch high, 9 feet 4 inch
wide on the face of the abacus. each shaft is channelled in 24
semicircular flutes. The nett amount of marble in each column
including the base And capital is 1346 cubic feet the weight
103 tons & the cost $12,994. Total cost of the 34 colums
$51976. The exterior of the cella or body of the building measures
111 feet wide 169 feet long & 59 feet 8 inches high. The whole of the
Exterior of the building is composed of marble of A vary superior
quality. evry block of marble in the building is set on peaces of
milled lead. The roof is composed of marble tiles 4 1/2 feet long 4 feet
wide 2 3/4 inch thick each tile is 776 lbs. & each saddle 214 lbs, the whole
Number of the tiles in the roof being 2046 and of saddles 2061
the aggragate wait of the tiles & saddles is 906 tons marble chim
ney tops And the cast Iron sky lights Also weigh 20 tons And
the lead & masonery of the gutters 43 1/2 tons making the entire weig
ht of the roof 969 1/2 tons. The building is three stories in highth the first & second stories are 25 feet from floor to floor & the
third 30 feet in the clear each story is divided as directed by
the will into four rooms 50 feet square in the clear. The outside
walls are 4 feet in thickness the inside 3 feet. Each arch including
its abutments contains 117,000 brick which together with the marble
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," November 28, 1849 - December 3, 1849, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 23, 2025,